Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Kimberley
Rated 3.9 out of 5 based on 576 reviews.
"If you're going to Kimberley to see the Big Hole I would recommend it. We didn't look for anything else so I can't comment on other activities."
"Friendly and helpful people. Lots of nostalgia to be experienced. The Big Hole is a must to visit."
"We were pleasantly surprised by this hidden gem in the middle of nowhere in South Africa. Plenty to do and see and rich in history. We suggest at least two or three days in this lovely town."
"Die groot gat is 'n bucket list item vir ons land se toeriste attraksies. Dit is pragtig en baie goed onderhou."
"Hulle kan gerus die Groot Gat beter bemark. Ek wou nie eers daar ingaan nie, want dit lyk woes. Gelukig het die karwag vir ons vertel van die lekker kuierkroegie binne die perseel. Ons was aangenaam verras! Baie lekker daar rondgedwaal en gekuier."
"Besides the Big Hole I wish there could be a cultural village reflecting Afrikaans, African and Coloured cultures."
"So much history and sights to see in Kimberley. We must spend a few days here when we pass this way again."
"Any town, dorpie or village that has even the slightest trace of history is worth a visit. Kimberley is steeped in history and deserving of its place in the history of our beautiful country. My first visit was 50 years ago and we still visit year after year. In June and December. Every visit is purpose driven, see this, go there, buy this, do that. Kimberley is a never-ending journey."
"Gelukkig is daar plekke soos Newlands Country Lodge waar 'n meens buite die stad rustig kan oorbly."
"Kimberley se paaie se toestand is baie sleg, mens sou beter verwag vir die hoofstad van die Noord-Kaap."
"The local municipality should really and seriously attend to the pothole issue in and around Kimberley."
"Daar was geen water vir die tyd wat ons daar was en die paaie is in 'n haglike toestand. Daar is baie min tot geen onderhoud in sekere dele van die dorp. Sol Plaatje-munisipaliteit het verseker niks om op trots te wees nie."