Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Sutherland
Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 422 reviews.
"Dit was heerlik om die sterre te sien en ook om by Blue Moon te eet. Die waiter was baie vriendelik daar."
"Ons het 'n paar dae in Sutherland gebly en daar is so baie om te doen. Buiten die sterrekyk is daar staproetes, kort en lank, en voëlkyk. 'n Besoek aan die SALT teleskoop was so leersaam."
"A quaint village with plenty to offer by welcoming locals. We highly recommend Blue Moon restaurant where we were met by Jannie and Sterland stargazing with Jurg who kept us spellbound with his knowledge and great sense of humour."
"Louw Museum closed since before Covid. Guided tour of NG Kerk, we phoned no response even 2 days later."
"Dit is 'n oulike dorpie met opsies vir stargazing - anders nie veel om te doen nie."
"Verrassend positiewe en aangename ervaring. Veilige omgewing, gekenmerk deur vriendelike, hulpvaardige mense. Interessante geskiedenis."
"Jurg bied sterrekyk aan, daar is fauna en flora en natuurskoon wat net die area bied!"
"'n Lekker dorp met baie vriendelike mense met goeie kos en drank, maar hulle is rustig en doen dit op hulle tyd. Paulsen Slaghuis is 'n moet!"
"Net 1 restaurant was oop op die dorp. Geen winkeltjies wat aandenkings verkoop nie, behalwe die planetarium. Sutherland is 'n pragtige plekkie, maar 'n dooie dorp."
"Wonderful town with loads to see and lots of learning opportunities. There are shops and petrol for restocking when on road trips."
"Sutherland got into your hearts, the town needs overall upgrading. But we were informed of a couple of projects and will be returning to Sutherland to witness the opening of the Louw Museum and be part of the realization of projects related to the church."
"Only spent one evening in order to experience SALT, but an amazing experience."
"A very interesting stopover. Unfortunately, when we were there the weather was bad. We'll have to go back there again at some stage."
"Only for those travellers prepared to rough it for the sake of an interesting and unusual experience. A long way to go from the nearest town with fairly decent facilities. Only two restaurants were open and were very expensive, and the only other place to buy any food was a very basic cafe/supermarket."
"Sutherland is maar 'n klein dorpie, maar is 'n moet om te besoek, veral vir sterrekyk. "
"Prag dorpie met baie interessante winkeltjies en eetplekkies. Sou graag langer wou kuier."