Verified Reviews
Tankwa Karoo National Park
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Tankwa Karoo National Park
Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 28 reviews.
"If it is peace and quiet you are looking for and getting off the grid, then this is the destination. No cell phone reception or WiFi ─ what utter bliss, leave the world behind and recharge your soul. The stark vista's are really quite something and the night sky humbling with the thousands of visible stars and just staying at our chalet, still offered good game and bird viewing."
"Tydens ons besoek was dit geweldig droog in die Park en het ons bitter min wild gesien, maar dit het tog sy eie bekoring gehad."
"If you are looking for remoteness and tranquillity, Tankwa gets 5 stars. "
"Ons het die besoek aan die park baie geniet en die Ganaga-pas was veral baie indrukwekkend."
"Ons is net van mening dat die grondpaaie meer gereeld geskraap en herstel kan word om te verhoed dat die sinkplate op die grondpaaie so geweldig baie raak. Ons voertuie, hoe taai ook al, ruk uitmekaar en doen mense geweldig skade op. Ek praat nie van bandskade nie, maar geweldige meganiese slytasie en vibrasie-skade. "
"Tans ontsettend droog in die park. Die toestand van die paaie laat baie te wense, sinkplaat-pad geneem tot nuwe hoogtes. Baie erger as die Kgalagadi."
"The Tankwa Karoo National Park is situated in a beautiful part of our country, but the Park itself needs some better management. Due to its location, and having no cellphone reception, one would suspect there route directories and information road boards would be clear, but it is not! There roads are also terrible at present, and I would never suggest driving it with normal sedan car. Please SANP, help keep this gem in shape for more people to have access to this beautiful landscape."
"They must do something about the roads. Guests will stop visiting if they do nothing. Or at least not come back a second time. The roads are disgusting. The only way to travel is fast so that you do not get rattled to pieces. If you do that you are speeding and a danger to animals. So by having bad roads they are encouraging people to break the law and endanger animals. Everybody speeds, including the staff. "
"I love visiting and exploring Tankwa. I have not managed to find any comprehensive maps of the area. There are so many tracks to explore."
"A little lacking in game, although we did spot several eland. But the spectacular views more than made up for it."
"'n Baie spesiale park! Glo dit sal baie mooi wees as dit 'n goeie reënseisoen is, maar andersins moet jy regtig 'n liefhebber wees van die "kleiner" dingetjies in die natuur!"
"Ons het, soos vele ander toeriste, een aand in Tankwa deurgebring, ons by die uitstekende Gannaga Lodge. Dit was 'n groot fout om net een aand hier oor te bly! In die Tankwa moet jy nie aan tyd gebonde wees nie. Die Tankwa is 'n tydlose omgewing wat as sulks geniet moet word. My volgende besoek sal definitief daarop ingestel wees om die Tankwa se ongerepte natuur, skoonheid en rustigheid wyer te ervaar en baie meer geniet."
"Baie mooi natuur. Daar is min om te sien as dit by diere kom, maar die omgewing en natuur is ongelooflik. "