Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Colesberg
Rated 3.9 out of 5 based on 1685 reviews.
"Colesberg is a nice half way stop. A pleasant and friendly city that provides a pleasant half way stay."
"Colesberg gaan altyd net 'n oorslaapplek wees. Die dorp is baie verwaarloos."
"As jy deur die strate loop, sien jy die pragtigste geboue wat nog uit die vroeë 1900's dateer. Dit was heerlik om net in die straat te loop en nie bang te wees dat jy aangeval gaan word nie. Dit is definitief 'n baie goeie oornagplek as jy lus het om net 'n verposing in jou rys te neem."
"Colesberg is an ideal location as a stopover between Cape Town and Johannesburg. It has some delightful restaurants offering excellent quality foods."
"Ons voertuig het onklaar geraak. Die auto electrician by die Caltex garage is 'n wonderlike aanwins vir die dorp. Hy het groot probleem uitgesorteer teen baie billike tarief buite normale kantoorure. Die Plattelander restaurant is beslis ook groot aanwins en waarde vir geld."
"We have been overnighting at Colesburg for years and find it perfect as an overnight destination. Restaurants should be marketed more though. The OK (shop) is really well stocked and useful."
"Colesberg is nice as a stop over town, with good shops like the OK Foods, which is well equipped."
"Colesburg is a tiny city which you can walk through in 10 minutes, yet still has everything and more. Lovely old houses with shutters and a place where everyone seems to have a purpose."
" It is very nice small town with very friendly people, but it is very small. It is a nice place to rest half way, but would not recommend staying for longer than two nights in a row."
"Die Bordeaux restaurant in Colesberg se hoofstraat is hoogs aan te beveel: billike pryse, porsies is groot, diens is vriendelik en die atmosfeer is heerlik ontspanne."
"Colesburg is a wonderful little town and has so much history and many wonderful places to see."
"We were only passing through Colesberg, so I cannot in fairness rate the town. But... the restaurant that we had our supper in was terrific. It was called the Plattelander!"
"Colesberg might not be the perfect travel destination (it is a small town and does not have a lot of activities in the actual town), but it is definitely the perfect halfway stop between Gauteng and Cape Town."