Verified Reviews
Border Area
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Border Area
Rated 4.3 out of 5 based on 959 reviews.
"Oos-Londen en Gonubie is verbasend skoon en een van ons tans meer suksesvolle munisipaliteite, die paaie in Gonubie kan verbeter, maar Oos-Londen s'n is in 'n beter toestand. Gonubie-strande pragtig skoon. Oos-Londen vreeslik vol wegspoelplante gewees. Weer in Desember en begin Januarie was nat en tot koud party dae, maar sonnige dae was baie warm en moes vroeg gaan swem en uit die son kom voor 11."
"Haga Haga kan 'n baie goeie bestemming wees. Daar is 'n tekort aan 'n winkel met die nodige goedjies, petrolpomp en die pad daarheen kan dit 'n ongelooflike lekker plekkie maak. Dink nie dit is sommer 'n plek vir jongmense om daarheen te gaan nie."
"Paaie na Koffiebaai is in 'n baie slegte kondisie. Koffiebaai se strand is baie skoon en netjies. Die natuurskoon is baie mooi."
"We were busy with cricket most of the time and did not have time for sightseeing, but will return in the near future for a family getaway."
Gxarha (Morgan's Bay), Border Area
Sea Shell @ Mitford Hotel"Baie netjies, en die kleine dorpie word netjies instandgehou."
"Amazing history and is a great place to holiday especially if you love the outdoors or need some rest and recovery."
"As mens inheemse bos soek, is dit een van die vinnigste en minsbekende maniere om by die Oos-Kaapse bergebied aan die Hogsback-kant te kom. Dis nie lank nie, dan word daardie staatsbos ook net nog 'n bloekom/wattle-plantasie."
"Te besig in Desembermaand, maar die moeite werd vir besienswaardighede. Pragtige natuur. Neptunes Cove ook aanbeveelbaar."
"Ons is baie lief vir Oos-Londen. Hier gebore en grootgeword. Dit is baie jammer dat seker dele van die stad agteruitgegaan het."
"Lots of nice beachfront and rivers. Very green. Wonderful friendly and social people."
"Port St Johns is not what it can be, because the location is beautiful but not many restaurants to find. Just a few. The lodge was not anticipating load-shedding on check-out, because then you cannot pay by card which is not really good I think."
"I used to live in East London - definite deterioration of the city and amenities all round, sadly."
"It is a beautiful location within a short drive from Port St John and part of the lush Wild Coast. But very little is done locally to promote the sites. We knew about the Magwa tea plantation (the only of its kind in the Eastern Cape) and the Magwa Falls because of my daughter's research, but there are no brochures available to promote these and some of the other gems of the area. The local Spar did not even stock the local tea, but we were excited to buy some from the Cosy Posy Reception and they are also providing Magwa tea in the rooms."
"Ons het deur die grensarea gereis via Koffiefontein, Barkley Oos en Rhodes. Die natuurskoon is asemrowend."