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Waterhouse Guest Lodge Muckleneuk


Kliek op enige tarief om 'n meer volledige prysberekening te sien.

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Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and fridge-freezer.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and fridge-freezer.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and bar fridge.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and fridge-freezer.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and fridge-freezer.
Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis with heat-and-eat facilities. The facilities include a microwave and fridge-freezer.

Ontbyt is teen 'n addisionele koste per persoon beskikbaar.
Kinders tussen 0 en 2 jaar bly gratis.

'n Wasgoeddiens is op versoek en teen 'n addisionele koste beskikbaar.

Kansellasiebeleid - Toegeeflik
Gratis kansellasie tot 24 uur voor jou verblyf!
Meer as 24 uur voor die inkloktyd 100%van die deposito word terugbetaal
Minder as 24 uur voor die inkloktyd 0%van die deposito word terugbetaal
Vanaf R 1 100
per nag, vir 2 mense
R 1 100
per nag, vir 2 mense
Maak 'n Bespreking
  • Gratis kansellasie tot 24 uur voor jou verblyf!
  • Kapasiteit: 32 persone
  • Alle ouderdomme is welkom
  • Inkloktyd: 14:00 tot 20:00
    Uitkloktyd: 10:00
  • Adres: Bourkestraat 230 en 236, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, 2000, Gauteng
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa9351608ddd381ba7a159b0eb77bd15486cd640b335ca68a0b4ae3e695b48f5a72066e1a018da11303e91f6cd77d6552ea74?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 Vanaf R1 100 per nag, vir 2 mense 168 5 1 5 230 and 236 Bourke Street Muckleneuk 2000 Gauteng 021 201 8901 14:00-20:00 10:00 -25.761165229559 28.206847608089

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