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Sossusvlei Lodge


4.8/ 5

Based on 6 reviews


Value for money
Ioannis L
1 night stay With partner
Apr 2024

Breathtaking experience. Excellent destination. Excellent food. Breathtaking views.

Value for money
Taleni Africa
Sossusvlei Lodge

Dear Ioannis, Thank you for the superb ratings and review! Delighted that you enjoyed our location, the beautiful views, and the excellent food! We look forward to welcoming you back during your next visit to Sossusvlei! Best wishes, The Sossusvlei Lodge Team

Liewe Ioannis, Dankie vir die uitstekende graderings en resensie! Bly dat jy ons ligging, die pragtige uitsigte en die uitstekende kos geniet het! Ons sien uit daarna om jou terug te verwelkom tydens jou volgende besoek aan Sossusvlei! Beste wense, Die Sossusvlei Lodge Span

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Astrid V
Short stay With partner
Feb 2024

Great venue and great food. Beautiful complex close to the gate to Sossusvlei and Deadvlei. Clean and comfortable. Professional and very friendly, helpful staff.

Value for money
Taleni Africa
Sossusvlei Lodge

Dear Astrid, Thank you for the excellent ratings and review! Delighted that you enjoyed our beautiful Lodge, the clean comfortable rooms and the service you received from our staff! We look forward to welcoming you back during your next visit to Sossusvlei! Best wishes, The Sossusvlei Lodge Team

Liewe Astrid, Dankie vir die uitstekende graderings en resensie! Bly dat jy ons pragtige Lodge geniet het, die skoon gerieflike kamers en die diens wat jy van ons personeel ontvang het! Ons sien uit daarna om jou terug te verwelkom tydens jou volgende besoek aan Sossusvlei! Beste wense, Die Sossusvlei Lodge Span

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Malinda R
1 night stay With partner
May 2023

Most beautiful sunset. I was a little disappointed with dinner. The morning's breakfast basket was excellent.

Mooiste sonsondergang. Ek was bietjie terleurgesteld met aandete. Die oggend se ontbytmandjie was uitstekend.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Sossusvlei Lodge

Dear Malinda, Thank you very much for the feedback. We are glad you enjoyed the sunset and the breakfast basket. With our dinner, we try our best to meet all our guests' needs with a variety of appetizers, salads, breads, the different stations for meat, fish or stir fry and also a variety of desserts served on our buffet. Sorry if you couldn't find something to your taste. Looking forward to welcoming you again. Best wishes, The Sossusvlei Lodge Team

Beste Malinda, Baie dankie vir die terugvoer. Ons is bly julle het die sonsondergang en die ontbyt mandjie geniet. Met ons aandete probeer ons ons bes om aan al ons gaste se behoeftes te voldoen met 'n verskeidenheid van voorgeregte, slaaie, brode, die verskillende stasies vir vleis, vis of roerbraai en ook 'n verskeidenheid van nageregte wat op ons buffet voorgesit word. Jammer as julle nie iets in jul smaak kon vind nie. Sien uit om jul weer te verwelkom. Beste wense, Die Sossusvlei Lodge Span

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Riana V
1 night stay With partner
Oct 2021

Clean, comfortable and well equipped. The air conditioner worked well and we are grateful for that. The heat and dry air can be exhausting. The unit has a basic view and is not raised in the front row which obstructs your view. Our meal was a buffet and the food was cold. More attention can be paid to serving it and ensuring that it is kept warm.

Skoon, gerieflik en goed toegerus. Die lugversorger het goed gewerk en ons is dankbaar daarvoor. Die hitte en droë lug kan uitputtend wees. Die eenheid het 'n basiese uitsig en is nie in die voorste ry gelig nie wat jou uitsig belemmer. Ons maaltyd was 'n buffet en die kos was koud. Meer aandag kan geskenk word aan die voorsit daarvan en om te verseker dat dit warm gehou word.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Sossusvlei Lodge

Thanks so much for the fantastic points and feedback! We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed the air conditioning as well as the cleanly equipped units. The units are allocated as discussed. We will look at the other comments to improve. Looking forward to welcoming you again!

Baie dankie vir die fantastiese punte en terugvoer! Ons is baie bly om te hoor julle het die lugversorging geniet asook die skoon toegerusde eenhede. Die eenhede word allokeer soos bespreek. Ons sal kyk na die ander komentaar om te verbeter. Sien uit om julle weer te verwelkom!

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Engela V
Short stay With partner
Apr 2021

Fantasies! Staff are very friendly and helpful and unit was clean and tidy. Service was excellent. Adolf and Cassandra were great at their jobs. Had a great time.

Personeel is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam en eenheid was skoon en netjies. Diens was uitstekend. Adolf en Cassandra was puik in hulle werk. Heerlike tyd gehad.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Sossusvlei Lodge

Dear Angela, Thank you so much for the wonderful feedback! We are very happy that you had a great time and that you were satisfied with the service you received from Adolf and Cassandra as well as the rest of our staff. We look forward to welcoming you again! best regards, The Sossusvlei Lodge team

Beste Engela, Baie Dankie vir die wonderlike terugvoer! Ons is baie bly dat julle heerlik gekuier het en dat jul tevrede was met die diens wat julle ontvang het van Adolf en Cassandra asook die res van ons personeel. Ons sien uit daarna om julle weer te verwelkom! Baie groete, Die Sossusvlei Lodge span

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Juan V
1 night stay With partner
Sep 2019

Nice room with a view over the dunes. We were very lucky to get a room overlooking the water hole and the dunes, many of the rooms do not have the view. I was also hoping that they have a direct entrance to the park so you can drive to Dune 45 early before sunrise, but unfortunately you have to wait until the main gate opens. Luckily the lodge is right by the main gate and access was easy driving to Sossusvlei and the dunes. The room was very comfortable and beautiful, and the meals delicious.

Mooi kamer met 'n uitsig oor die duine. Ons was baie gelukkig om 'n kamer te kry wat uitkyk oor die watergat en die duine, baie van die kamers het nie die uitsig nie. Ek het ook gehoop dat hulle 'n direkte ingang na die park het sodat jy vroeg voor sonop al na Duin 45 kan ry, maar ongelukkig moet jy wag totdat die hoofhek oop maak. Gelukkig is die lodge reg by die hoofhek en toegang was maklik om na Sossusvlei en die duine te ry. Kamer was baie gerieflik en mooi, en die etes heerlik.

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Value for money
Taleni Africa
Sossusvlei Lodge

Hi Juan, Thank you very much for the positive feedback. I am glad you enjoyed the comfortable rooms, views and the etchings. As in S.A. the National Parks in Namibia belong to the government, so no one but them has access to the Parks before they open. However, we are conveniently located at the entrance gate, as you mention, and so our guests can be among the first to gain access to the Park. We hope to welcome you again. Best wishes, The Sossusvlei Lodge team

Hallo Juan, Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer. Ek is bly julle het die gerieflike kamers, uitsigte en die etses geniet. Soos in S.A. behoort die Nasionale Parke in Namibië aan die regering, dus het niemand, buiten hulle, toegang tot die Parke voor dit oopmaak nie. Ons is egter gerieflik geleë by die ingangshek, soos jul noem, en dus kan ons gaste van die eerstes wees wat toegang tot die Park kan kry. Ons hoop om jul weer te verwelkom. Beste wense, Die Sossusvlei Lodge span

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Taleni Africa Verified

Properties 7

Reviews 119

On LekkeSlaap 6 years

From R 5 020
per night (sleeps 2)
R 5 020
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 102 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Off D826/C27, Sesriem, 0000, Hardap
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAf9I7IHh677kK1xVQV36LQPWSfwoshrQwb3gHoYQYghekj43sZd?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R5 020 per night (sleeps 2) 6 5 1 5 Off D826/C27 Sesriem 0000 Hardap 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -24.483713477101 15.802556597553

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