Felicita Camping
Kliek op enige tarief om 'n meer volledige prysberekening te sien.
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Ontdek uitstaande waarde met ons reeks spesiale aanbiedinge wat by hierdie eiendom beskikbaar is. *
Kry 20% af op alle besprekings wat 1 dag of minder voor jou verblyf gemaak word. Geldig vir verblyf vanaf 20 Mrt 2025 tot 22 Mrt 2025.
Prys sluit in
- Kampeerplek
- Selfsorg
- Toegeruste karavaan
- Rates displayed are on a self-catering basis.
'n Terugbetaalbare breekskadedeposito van R500 moet direk aan die eiendom betaal word.
Please be aware that there is a gravel road leading to the accommodation. Guests are required to inquire with the establishment about the condition of the gravel road before making a booking. While a 4x4 vehicle is not necessary, it is recommended to have a vehicle with high ground clearance.
**Camp Rules:**
- No loud music or shouting, please. Respect fellow campers and neighbors.
- Bring your own power solutions for fridges and freezers. The electricity supplied is from a solar system.
- The speed limit is 30 kilometers per hour from the first gate.
- No off-roading or driving around the estate.
- Do not cut trees, break branches, or pick fynbos. Braai wood is available for cash purchase.
- Bring water wings for children swimming.
- Camping and swimming are at your own risk.
- No day visitors allowed.
- Shooting, hunting, or killing of wildlife is prohibited.
- Please do not dispose of foreign objects in the toilets or litter on the grounds.
- Switch off lights before retiring for the night.
- Extinguish fires or braai’s when done – do not leave unattended flames or hot coals.
- Treat our tortoises, bushbucks, birds, and other free roamers kindly, this is their home.
- Be vigilant of snakes, especially summer times, steer clear and they will do the same. Most common around the camping site will be harmless mole snakes.
- Take note of our friendly pet ostrich, Queeni, when she might come and investigate the activities.
- Enjoy the dam for some fishing, but please practice catch and release and do not leave any fishing tackle behind.
Kansellasiebeleid - Pasgemaak
Meer as 3 weke voor die inkloktyd | 90%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Meer as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 30%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
Minder as 1 week voor die inkloktyd | 0%van die deposito word terugbetaal |
- Kapasiteit: 14 persone
- Alle ouderdomme is welkom
Inkloktyd: 13:00 tot 18:00
Uitkloktyd: 10:00 - Adres: Plaas D5, Modderrivier, Stanford, 7210, Wes-Kaap
Welkom by LekkeSlaap
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