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Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Swartland bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.4 uit 5 gekry volgens 209 resensies.

Koringberg, Swartland

Koringberg Siding Cottage

"Pragtige, rustige, plattelandse dorpie wat sy naam gestand doen. Vriendelike, gawe inwoners."

Malmesbury, Swartland

Abbotts Hill

"Unfortunately did not explore this time, but will definitely do so on the next trip."

Koringberg, Swartland

La Belle Vie @ Village-Living

"Dis vir seker 'n verskuilde juweel."

Malmesbury, Swartland

Strydom's Accommodation

"Ons het Malmesbury spesifiek besoek vir 'n hengelkompetisie in 'n nabygeleë dam - ongelukkig nie veel rondgery in die dorp nie. Spar is beslis 'n top-Spar en 'n moet om te besoek as mens in Malmesbury kom."

Grottobaai, Swartland

Pelican House

"Goed om heeltemal af te skakel, maar dalk bietjie eensaam vir tieners. 'n Winkel vir die basiese behoeftes sal baie help."

Grottobaai, Swartland

Sunbird Cottage

"The location is spectacular, we loved meeting mongoose and steenbokkies on our morning walks."

Darling, Swartland

Maison de L’amour

"It is a great place to spend a weekend, with lots on offer to fill your day."

Darling, Swartland

Maison de L’amour

"Slegs 1 uur se ry vanaf Kaapstad. Beslis 'n dorpie waar jy moet gaan kuier. Oulike winkeltjies, wynkelders en vriendelike mense!"


Nieuwedrift Accommodation

"Not much to do in the area. Its a place to relax and read."

Koringberg, Swartland

La Belle Vie @ Village-Living

"Just wish there were some more local food places as we love eating close to where we are staying."

Grottobaai, Swartland

Molly Hawk Place

"'n Pragtige klein Weskus-baai met besonderse natuurskoon. So naby Kaapstad jy kan Tafelberg van daar af sien."

Grottobaai, Swartland

Starfish View

"I would love to go back with my family next time."

Darling, Swartland

Aloe Cottage

"Mosaic cafe se bokkom pizza is 'n wenner."

Darling, Swartland

Darling Lodge Guest House

"An absolute must, en route to Yzerfontein."

Grottobaai, Swartland

Sunbird Cottage

"As jy stilte soek weg van die daaglikse ''rat race'' dan is dit die plek om te gaan om jou batterye te herlaai!"

Darling, Swartland

Darling Lodge Guest House

"Nie veel om te doen behalwe wynproe nie. Die resturant 1910 Fordge, uitstekende kos en diens."

Malmesbury, Swartland

50 Shades of Hay

"Die Weskus is natuurlik altyd spesiaal. Sou wel Riebeeck-Kasteel voorstel as 'n basis rondom Malmesbury."

Koringberg, Swartland

La Belle Vie @ Village-Living

"Small little town that is peaceful. Perfect for escaping the hustle and bustle of city life!"

Grottobaai, Swartland

Pelican House

"Pragtige natuurreservaat, see en privaatheid, goed geleë naby Melkbosstrand waar goeie winkelkompleks is. Vars lug."

Koringberg, Swartland

La Belle Vie @ Village-Living

"It is a beautiful place for resting and getting away from the noise of the city. Friendly people and very safe."

Darling, Swartland

Revive Guest House

"Never even knew about this place, but such a quiet little town!"

Koringberg, Swartland

La Belle Vie @ Village-Living

"Pragtige, stil dorpie. Werklik ou-skool sjarme."

Koringberg, Swartland

The Old Barn

"Dis 'n ongelooflike stil en mooi plek. En 1 uur se ry na Langebaan en die Kaap. Goeie ligging."

Darling, Swartland

Disa Lodge

"Daar is baie in die area om te sien. En die dorpie is vriendelik en warm."

Koringberg, Swartland

La Belle Vie @ Village-Living

"Such a nice place to relax. Definitely a place to book with either your spouse, another couple or the family."

Malmesbury, Swartland

Honey Badger House

"Lovely wedding venue."

Darling, Swartland

Elly's Place

"Interessant. Alhoewel dit die gevoel gee van oud, is dit tog modern. Die mense is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Die diens wat ons by Spar ontvang het is puik."

Malmesbury, Swartland

Table Mountain Guesthouse

"Mooi plek en vriendelike mense."

Grottobaai, Swartland

Starfish View

"Grotto Bay is a great destination for a getaway that's close to Cape Town, but makes you feel like you're out of the city in a beautiful remote nature location."

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