Verified Reviews
Still Bay West
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Still Bay West
Rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 84 reviews.
"Lekker gekuier al het dit gereën. Was by paling voering en Inverroche Gin Distillers, aangename gemeenskap."
"There are a lot of things to see and do in the area. We will definitely go back to try more places. "
"There are a lot of things to see and do in the area. We will definitely go back to try more places. "
"A quiet, clean, safe natural environment. Beautiful beaches and interesting history. One of the few places where you felt safe leaving your doors and windows open."
"Dit is lastig dat die enigste twee kruideniers winkels om 18:00 toemaak - inteendeel personeel by beide was alreeds om 17:45 nie gretig om van hulp te wees nie. As 'n besoeker dus saans eers rondom hierdie tyd daar aankom - sorg dat u reeds u aankopies gedoen het! Het bogenoemde 4 aande in 'n ry ervaar."
"Still Bay is a haven of safety in South Africa, plenty of good and affordable restaurants, the river, beaches and sea are wonderful. Local stores have pretty much everything you will need during your stay."
"Voel veilig, geen bedelaars of mense wat doelloos op straat is nie. Dorp is die skoonste en netjiesste wat ek nog gesien het. Stilbaai se Burgemeester, Munisipaliteit en bestuur ─ ander kan by julle kom leer. "
"Still Bay is an awesome destination. Clean neat and safe. Beaches are beautiful and clean. Surf is excellent."
"Baie mooi dorpie, redelik baie om te doen, net bietjie ver van die strand af."