Verified Reviews
St Helena Bay
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in St Helena Bay
Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 721 reviews.
"St. Helenabaai is 'n ongelooflike plek met mense wie se harte warm klop vir ander. Die ongerepte natuur en seelewe is voorwaar iets om na uit te sien. Dis gepas vir toerisme, asook 'n aftreeplek."
"Wonderlike bestemming, sonder pretensie en baie om te doen in die omliggende gebied."
"St Helena Bay is a tiny town. Perfect for relaxation but there is not a lot to do down there."
"As jy wil wegkom van die gewoel en rus vir jou siel soek, is St. Helenabaai 'n goeie opsie."
"I thought my hometown, Cape Town, was the most beautiful place - until I experienced St Helena Bay. There are no horrible grey buildings, no traffic jams, no exorbitant amounts of litter or the air smelling like pollution. If I could, I would move to St Helena Bay permanently. I absolutely love it there."
"Wees versigtig waar jy gaan vir etes. Party restaurante word aanbeveel, maar is nie goed soos gesê word nie. Lees maar resensies wat nie meer as 3 maande oud is nie."