Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Schoemansville
Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 72 reviews.
"There are a lot of sight seeings to visit and they are close by, e.g. the zoo, boat cruising, the cable way, French Toast which they call Little Paris, and many more."
"Ons het nie regtig rondgery nie, maar dit lyk baie gewild met al die dagbesoekers van die stad."
"Omdat ek al jare in die omgewing bly, kan ek sê hier is baie besienswaardighede en baie om te doen - van 'n mark met 'n lekker restaurant tot opwinding vir die avontuurlustige."
"Schoemansville is a beautiful and very central area - close to boats, shops and other activities. I am surely coming back to the area."
"It is ideal for sleeping and relaxing indoors. It is not for sightseeing as it's amongst residents and not up in the mountain."
"I will definitely go back for at least a week, it is a lovely place."
"They should make more tourism attractions, if you will be there for days you will be bored on third day."
"Schoemansville is baie sentraal geleë, dis 'n rustige omgewing en almal is so vriendelik."
"Die paaie is nie in 'n baie goeie toestand nie maar dis lekker naby aan 'n verskeidenheid attraksies soos Jasmyn ens."
"Prettige daguitstappies, soos die kabelkar en Pretville, kan beslis aanbeveeel word. Die kabelkar en die Hero's-restaurant word sterk aanbeveel. Die kos en skemerkelkies (teen R25) by Hero's is 'n wenner."
"'n Mooi bestemming wat naby aan Johannesburg is en tot oorlopens toe propvol is met dinge om te doen of jy 7 of 70 jaar oud is. "