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Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.4 uit 5 gekry volgens 1037 resensies.

Dullstroom, Platorand

Sleep @ 84

"Perfekte wegbreek en oorslaapplek om jou voor te berei vir Mpumalanga se miljoene slaggate wat op jou wag terug Gauteng toe."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate

"Dullstroom is a quaint little town."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate

"Odd that restaurants were closed on Sunday evening. Finding place to eat was difficult."

Dullstroom, Platorand

The Artists Cottages at Le Quartier

"A lovely little town with so much to see and do. An enjoyable weekend breakaway."

Lydenburg, Platorand

Akabeko Boutique Hotel

"Fix the roads - they are dangerous."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Muddlers Minnow

"Dullstroom is 'n lekker plekkie. Net te jammer dat baie plekke toe was, wat ons nie van geweet het nie want Google het dit nie so aangedui nie. Maar as jy wil gaan vir rustigheid dan is dit ideaal vir jou!"


Crystal Stream

"Extremely unsafe road to travel on due to potholes and trucks."


Crystal Stream

"Die pad is baie sleg vanaf Belfast tot en met Stoffberg."

Lydenburg, Platorand

The Cowshed

"Mixed feelings on Lydenburg as a travel destination."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Peace Corner

"Good shopping and many restaurants. Enjoyed Birds of Prey and whiskey tasting."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Critchley Hackle

"Lieflike, karaktervolle dorpie!"

Dullstroom, Platorand

Dunkeld Country and Equestrian Estate

"Daar kan lekker gekuier, geëet en visgevang word."

Lydenburg, Platorand

Salem Gastehuis

"Paaie is baie sleg op pad soontoe."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Lakeside Chalets Critchley Hackle Lodge

"Baie mooi dorp, dit is uiters jammer dat mens deur Belfast moet ry om daar uit te kom, wat lyk of dit bombardeer is. Wil beslis meer gereëld 'n aand wegbreek na Dullstroom toe."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Peace Corner

"Perfect weekend getaway!"

Dullstroom, Platorand

Sleep @ 84

"Baie mooi landskap en oulike dorpie."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Sleep @ 84

"Ons hou baie van Dullstroom. Baie lekker vir 'n kort wegbreek. Die restaurante is wonderlik."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Salt on Dullstroom

"My first time there, but will not be the last, can't wait to go back."

Lydenburg, Platorand

Trout River Falls

"Van Trout River Falls as toeristebestemming: ja, maar glad nie in die dorp self nie."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Cherry Grove 3

"There are some lovely attractions in Dullstroom and very pleasant and helpful people."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Old Transvaal Inn

"Ons het die dorpie baie geniet!"

Dullstroom, Platorand


"We enjoy the town and walking in town."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Jock's Cottages

"A vibrant town with lots of good food and things to do! Highly recommend a visit to Dullstroom. A wonderful small museum as well!"

Dullstroom, Platorand

Old Transvaal Inn

"Baie mooi dorp en geskik vir visvang en fietsry."

Lydenburg, Platorand

Purple Gecko Guest House

"Disappointed that there were no taxis or any public transport available."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Stone-Fly Guesthouse

"Lots to do in Dullstroom."

Waterval Boven, Platorand

Ease@Epa Valley Farm Stay

"A beautiful, scenic destination."

Dullstroom, Platorand

StoneFly Cottages

"Heerlike naweekwegbreekdorp. Iets vir almal om te doen."

Dullstroom, Platorand

Peace Corner

"Ek ken Dullstroom van voor die ontwikkelinge as 'n klein dogtertjie wat by ouma-hulle op die plaas gaan kuier het. So om te sien hoe alles verander het is bittersoet. Maar ek gun almal die vooruitgang en werksgeleenthede."

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