Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Machadodorp
Rated 3.5 out of 5 based on 22 reviews.
"Soos alle kleindorpies is die verval maar opmerklik. Die omgewing is pragtig met baie staproetes en besienswaardighede."
"Die dorpie is baie klein en 'n bietjie verwaarloos, en daar is soms krag- en waterprobleme."
"No tourist information, potholed roads. The surroundings are beautiful but it is not effectively marketed."
"Interesting history but what a shame that the town is in such disrepair. Roads are full of potholes and really very little to see despite it having so much history."
"Soos die meeste plattelandse dorpies deesdae, strate maar sleg, geen restaurant nie."
"The small town is good, however the municipality must repair the potholes on the roads. "
"As 'n oorslaap plek benodig word tussen Johannesburg/Pretoria en die Krugerwildtuin, is dit ideaal geleë."
"I love Machado as it is one of the most beautiful places in the Highveld and in the country. it has it's own unique features as a home of trout, and I'm proudly a local girl having been born and bred there."
"Machadodorp het ongelooflike potensiaal. Die huise en kerke is baie mooi, maar die stand van paaie en skoonheid is die dorp se ondergang. "
"Uitstekend ingerig vir 'n wye verskeidenheid belangstellings en toeriste."