Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Hogsback
Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 192 reviews.
"Fantastiese natuurskoon en baie rustige atmosfeer. Goeie restaurante. Sal Hogsback weer besoek om verder te ontdek. Jammer dat die veelbesproke feetjies verhuis het."
"Moet beslis op elkeen se bucket list wees. Na 'n 3000 km reis, om op so 'n plek te land voel soos tuis. Wonderlike plek, en sal beslis weer gaan."
"Soos die probleem byna landwyd voorkom, is die roete vanaf Pretoria uitdagend wanneer jy jou op sekondêre paaie begewe. Slaggat op slaggat. Hogsback is egter beeldskoon en waarlik 'n onverwagse juweel."
"Dit is 'n wêreld op sy eie. Rustig en almal is ontspanne. As jy wil wegbreek van die stad se gejaag is Hogsback die plek."
"Roads really need an upgrade as it is a tourist destination. If nature is what you looking for, then choose Hogsback."
"I loved being there. Many attractions and things and places to see. I will most certainly be back for more sightseeing and hiking. Very disappointed that the Info Tourism center is dysfunctional. Every time we stopped somewhere, we were overfallen by vagrants trying to sell something or begging for food and/or money. Not nice at all."
"Hogsback offers a destination unlike any other in South Africa."
"As jy 'n natuur liefhebber is en van stap hou is dit die ideale plek om te besoek. Daar is soveel interessante plekke om te besoek en dinge om te doen dat 'n naweek te kort is."
"We found the walking trails need some maintenance, the routes are not very clear and we are experienced walkers."
"A brilliant experience and great weekend break. Hogsback is packed with history and art and eats and lots more. "
"One day is not enough to explore all that is there, such as the different waterfalls, visiting The Edge. Plan to stay longer and fall in love with the town."
"We participated in the annual Hogsback Merrel trail run, which was great!"
"Een van die plekke wat jy moet besoek in jou leeftyd. Absoluut moeite werd. Sal weer gaan."
"This is a special place that needs more than two days to explore."
"Onderskatte juweel. Toegang vanaf Cathcart baie mooi, maar sommige mense mag skrik vir die grondpad. Ons het dit egter met 'n grondpadkaravaan maklik gery deur net versigtig te wees."
"Locals are messing up this place, and it's sad! Authorities need to step up, and do their bloody jobs!"
"Not necessary to stay in a central area as everything is quite spread out. Great hiking and horse riding available."
"Hogsback is beautiful and we are regular vistors there. The walks and hikes are magnificent and we have taken our children as young as 3 on most of them. We absolutely love a meal at the Hogsback Inn. We have stayed in Hogsback for more than a week at a time and gone for just the day, so if planned well, a lot can be done in a short time."