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Upper Karoo

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Upper Karoo bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4 uit 5 gekry volgens 2548 resensies.

Richmond, Bo-Karoo

Anra Rusgenot

"What a clean town - and so much going on there. We tend to rush past the small towns along the highways. Stop and enjoy the small towns - this was our second visit to Richmond in the past 18 months."

De Aar, Bo-Karoo


"We had a wonderful time at De Aar Country Club and would recommend a visit to anyone traveling to play golf or bowls to visit them."

Victoria-Wes, Bo-Karoo

Karoo Koelte Accommodation

"Pragtige Karoo-dorp met heelwat verrassings."

Britstown, Bo-Karoo

Rooidam Cottages

"Daar gaan nie veel aan nie. "

Hopetown, Bo-Karoo

Frida's Gastehuis

"Ons oornag net daar op pad Kaap toe of op pad terug."

Hopetown, Bo-Karoo

The Big Tree Guest House

"Sal net daar oorslaap, maar die dorp bied so te sê niks aan nie."

Hanover, Bo-Karoo

Tuin Huis

"Quaint Karoo town."

Victoria-Wes, Bo-Karoo

Die Pophuis Hoekie

"Baie mooi dorpie. Rede vir 3 sterre is al die straatkinders by die Spar wat jou oorval as jy uitklim. Nee word nie verstaan nie en dis baie onplesierig."

Richmond, Bo-Karoo

Aandrus Gastehuis

"It's more of a overnight stop-over place."

Richmond, Bo-Karoo

Karoo Manor Guest House and Restaurant

"Goeie oorstaandorp. Galery en boekhuise is goed om te besoek."

Britstown, Bo-Karoo

Kambro Accommodation & Farm Stall

"Ons het slegs deur gery, 4 uur die oggend."

Hanover, Bo-Karoo

AshTree GuestHouse

"My brother and I had supper at the local pub, service was warm and friendly we were made to feel like one of the locals, and the meal was delicious."

Britstown, Bo-Karoo

Rosedale Guest Cottage

"Mooi skoon, plattelandse dorp."

Victoria-Wes, Bo-Karoo

Moonlight Manor

"Dis 'n goeie oornagstop as jy van die Kaap af ry na die Noorde of terug. Neem genoeg warm klere as jy in die winter daar gaan oorbly, die Karookoue is erg."

Hopetown, Bo-Karoo

The Big Tree Guest House

"Die dorp val uitmekaar, geen essensiële dienste nie."

Nieu-Bethesda, Bo-Karoo


"A quirky, quaint and lovely village. Don't go there with your Jo'burg manners and expectations, just embrace the slow pace and Karoo hospitality."

Hanover, Bo-Karoo

AshTree GuestHouse

"It is a good stop-over option between JHB - CPT as it is not as busy as the other options within the area."

Hanover, Bo-Karoo

Boutique Guesthouse Hanover

"Lekker stop as mens van Joburg na Kaapstad reis."

Hanover, Bo-Karoo

Tuin Huis

"Hanover is afgeleë, daar is nie veel te doen nie, maar daar is 'n paar eetplekke vir gaste."

Richmond, Bo-Karoo

Ka Ma Lodge

"Hulle moet iets doen om die bedelaars te help. Dorp is baie duur ook."

Richmond, Bo-Karoo

Karoo Manor Guest House and Restaurant

"A town to stop on your travels. Did not have time to explore further, as we were up and away early on the next leg of our journey."

Britstown, Bo-Karoo

Vyfster The Old Jail

"The people of Britstown have successfully worked together to place their town on the map. If you are overnighting there, I suggest you arrive a little earlier and explore the quaint town."

Hopetown, Bo-Karoo

Frida's Gastehuis

"Nie baie besienswaardighede in die dorpie nie."

Richmond, Bo-Karoo

Anra Rusgenot

"I love Richmond and what it has to offer, great food and the modern art museum are a treat."

Nieu-Bethesda, Bo-Karoo

Stone Haven at Nieu Bethesda

"Wonderlike, interessante klein dorpie, ons het heerlik rondgestap."

Vanderkloof, Bo-Karoo

CasaMere Guest House

"Due to the condition of the roads, not very safely to travel on via Petrusville Town."

Vosburg, Bo-Karoo

Môrester Selfsorg Gastehuis

"Lekker slaaie ens. by die Ketel gekoop, en heerlike tjops en wors. Sal volgende keer die dorp wil platloop - stil en rustig."

Hanover, Bo-Karoo

Tuin Huis

"Hanover is nog een van daardie ongerepte plattelandse dorpies waar jy net kan ontspan."

Vosburg, Bo-Karoo

Karoo Pomp

"Vosburg is piepklein, is definitief net 'n oornagplek op pad na 'n ander bestemming."

Britstown, Bo-Karoo

Transkaroo Country Lodge

"Sentraal geleë, definitief 'n beter bestemming as De Aar."

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