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Marleô Vakansie huis

Self Catering


4.4/ 5

Based on 10 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Gerhard B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Jun 2024

Was very nice and everything you need on a holiday was there. Had a lovely break and the accommodation with facilities was excellent.

Was baie lekker en en als was daar wat jy benodig op 'n vakansie. Het 'n heerlike breek gehad en die verblyf met geriewe was uitstekend.

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Value for money

Cecil P
Short stay Family with teenagers
Feb 2024

Peaceful with lots of wildlife around you. House has everything needed and had a very nice stay with many animals visiting the garden.

Rustig met baie wildlewe om jou. Huis het alles wat benodig word en het baie lekker gebly met baie diere wat die tuin besoek.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Cecil, thank you very much for the review.

Cecil, baie dankie vir die resensie.

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Claude N
Short stay Family with young children
Sep 2024

Great. Everything was great. The only thing is it rained and the one bedroom with 2 single beds leaked through, as well as the patio. Everything that was left on the patio was wet. But other than that, it is a beautiful place.

Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis
Thank you for your review. Thank you for letting us know about the roof that is leaking. Yes, the deck is not sealed. We will have to look into that.

Carin C
Short stay With friends
Jan 2024

Beautiful place and would really recommend it to other people. We had a wonderful stay. Lots of animals that came in during the day and at night.

Pragtige plek en sal dit regtig aanbeveel vir ander mense. Ons het heerlik gebly. Baie diere wat bedags en saans kom inloer het.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Carin, thank you very much for the positive feedback.

Carin, baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer.

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Zaandré P
Short stay Family with young children
Feb 2024

Quiet in the natural beauty! Nice and quiet time at Marlêo. I would definitely recommend it to people with kids big or small! Safe and convenient.

Rustig in die natuurskoon! Lekker rustig gekuier by Marlêo. Ek sal dit beslis aanbeveel vir mense met kinders groot of klein! Veilig en gerieflik.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Zaandré, thank you very much for the review.

Zaandré, baie dankie vir die resensie.

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Frederick B
Short stay Family with teenagers
Nov 2023

A nice peaceful holiday spot. We had a great time at Marleo's. A safe holiday home with a nice atmosphere. The porch was amazing and the bath is extra large for comfortable relaxation! We didn't even know about loadshedding with the solar panels! The owners are extremely helpful and go out of their way to make everything as convenient as possible.

N Lekker rustige vakansie plekkie. Ons het dit baie geniet by Marleo. 'n Veilige vakansiehuisie met 'n lekker atmosfeer. Die stoep was amazing en die bad is ekstra groot vir gemaklike ontspanning! Ons het nie eens geweet van loadshedding met die solar panels nie! Die eienaars is vreeslik behulpsaam en gaan uit hul pad om alles so gerieflik moontlik te maak.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Frik, thank you very much for the positive feedback.

Frik, baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer.

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Ralph C
Short stay Family with young children
Oct 2023

Get away from city life. Lovely spacious place. Great location in the park. Was able to view some of the wildlife from the safety of the deck. Pool and air conditioning was a great relief from the heat. The property management / owners were very helpful. Will definitely stay there again in the near future.

Buite stadslewe wegbreek. Heerlike ruim plek. Puik ligging in die park. Kon van die wild binne die veiligheid van die dek bekyk. Swembad en lugversorging was 'n groot verligting vir die hitte. Die eiendomsbestuur / eienaars was baie behulpsaam. Sal beslis in die nabye toekoms weer daar bly.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Ralph, thank you very much for the positive feedback.

Ralph, baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer.

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Jaco S
Short stay Family with young children
Aug 2023

Have fun on the stoep, at the boma and at the braai area, as well as the deck. Was very nice. Animals come to you. Lighting was very good. House is clean. Enough cutlery for barbecue. Splash pool is a good thing to have. Will definitely stay there again.

Lekker gekuier op die stoep, by die boma en by die braai-area, asook die dek. Was baie lekker. Diere kom tot by jou. Beligting was baie goed. Huis is skoon. Genoeg eetgerei vir braai. Splash pool is 'n goeie ding om te hê. Sal definitief weer daar bly.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Jaco. Thank you very much for the positive feedback.

Jaco. Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer.

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Kelvin V
Short stay With friends
Sep 2023

We tried to make the best of a bad case, but for us who invited our friends along we hung our heads in shame. We were really looking forward to our getaway weekend with our friends. It was a first time for our friends in Marloth. We have been coming to Marlothpark for the past 5 years. We were very disappointed in the holiday home. It's a nice house, but definitely needs a good scrubbing and cleaning to start with. The place is filthy dirty. The doors are sticky, the windows were not washed months ago, the glass of the kitchen cabinets is just as dull, the oven inside was clean, but the stove on top was dirty from the previous guests cooking, everything but everything we used (glasses, plates, glass bowls, popcorn bowl) was dirty and we had to wash everything before we could use it. We were all very pissed off. The floors were just so dirty, we couldn't walk barefoot, our feet were pitch black from the floors. The deck boards above were just as dirty. We found mouse droppings on the floor of our room (upstairs room with a double bed). The aircon in the living room leaks so that there is a pool of water near the door, the aircon in the room with the two single beds leaks just as badly on the wooden floors and the aircon remote does not always work to turn the aircon on and off don't call In the room with the 2 single beds the power plugs did not work. The shower upstairs is so uncomfortably small that you struggle to get out of the shower because the door does not open wide enough. The downstairs bathroom's hot tub is out of order. There is no "hand rail" to get in and out of the bath and this definitely poses a safety risk. After each shower we had to mop up a large puddle of water as the water piled up next to the tub. The light that should shine on the stairs is not working. None of the rooms have anything like a mirror or place where you can sit and blow dry your hair or apply make-up. The mirrors are far away from the power plugs and a hairdryer's cord is not long enough to reach them. In the lower room's hanging closet, you can't even open the door that sits by the window properly to put clothes in it. When we wanted to watch the rugby we couldn't and when we asked the owner we were told their children were streaming the rugby. It looked like such a nice place and it could be, but the place really needs attention and a good cleaning. It was the dirtiest place we have ever vacationed. We like a clean and tidy place and you would like to kick off your shoes and walk barefoot and it was not intended for us. You really can't expect your guests to come and clean a place first, especially when you have so little time. We always clean and leave in good condition before we leave. There should definitely be supervision when the contractors who have to clean up after guests have left are doing their work. I will never book Marleô Holiday home again, we were so disgusted with the place. The place could do with a refresh of paint and attention. Security was called for us to come and shut us up where it was the people who lived behind us and went out the night before until after 3 in the morning, but they were let go.

Ons het probeer om die beste van 'n slegte saak te maak, maar vir ons wat ons vriende saamgenooi het het ons ons kop in skaamte gesak. Ons het vreeslik uitgesien na ons wegbreeknaweek saam met ons vriende. Dit was 'n eerste keer vir ons vriende in Marloth. Ons kom vir die afgelope 5 jaar na Marlothpark. Ons was baie teleurgesteld in die vakansiehuis. Dis 'n lekker huis, maar kort beslis 'n goeie skrop en skoonmaak om mee te begin. Die plek is smerig vuil. Die deure is taai, die vensters was maande terug laas gewas, die glas van die kombuiskaste is net so dof, die oond binne was skoon, maar die stoof bo-op was vuil van die vorige gaste wat kosgemaak het, alles maar alles wat ons gebruik het (glase, borde, glasbakke, popcorn bak) was vuil en ons moes alles was voor ons dit kon gebruik. Ons almal was baie vies. Die vloere was net so vuil, ons kon nie kaalvoet loop nie, ons voete was pikgitswart van die vloere. Die dek bo se planke was net so vuil. Ons het muismis op ons kamer se vloer gekry (kamer bo met 'n dubbelbed). Die aircon in die sitkamer lek dat daar 'n plas water vorm naby die deur, die aircon in die kamer wat die twee enkelbeddens het lek net so erg op die plankvloere en die remote van die aircon werk nie altyd om die aircon aan en af te skakel nie. Die kamer met die 2 enkelbeddens se kragproppe het nie gewerk nie. Die stort bo is so ongemaklik klein dat mens sukkel om uit die stort te kom want die deur maak nie groot genoeg oop nie. Die onderste badkamer se borrelbad is buite werking. Daar's nie 'n "hand rail" om in en uit die bad te klim nie en dit hou beslis 'n veilligheidsrisiko in. Na elke stort moes ons 'n groot plas water opmop soos die water ophoop langs die bad. Die lig wat op die trappe moet skyn werk nie. Nie een van die kamers het soos 'n spieëlkas of plek waar mens kan sit en hare kan droogblaas of grimeer nie. Die spieëls is ver weg van die kragproppe af en 'n haardroër se draad is nie lank genoeg om daarby te kom nie. Die onderste kamer se hangkas kan mens die deur wat by die venster sit nie eers behoorlik oopmaak om klere daarin te pak nie. Toe ons die rugby wou kyk kon ons nie en toe ons die eienaar vra is daar vir ons gesê hul kinders stream die rugby. Dit het na so 'n lekker plek gelyk en dit kan wees, maar die plek kort regtig aandag en 'n goeie skoonmaak. Dit was die smerigste plek waarin ons al vakansie gehou het. Ons hou van 'n skoon en netjiese plek en jy wil graag jou skoene uitskop en kaalvoet loop en dit was nie vir ons beskore nie. Jy kan regtig nie van jou gaste verwag om 'n plek eers te kom skoonmaak nie, veral as mens so min tyd het. Ons maak altyd skoon en in 'n goeie toestand los voor ons vertrek. Daar moet beslis toesig gehou word wanneer die kontrakteure wat moet skoonmaak na gaste vertrek het hul werk doen. Ek sal nooit weer Marleô Vakansie huis bespreek nie, ons was so so vies vir die plek. Die plek kan doen met opknapping van verf en aandag. Sekuriteit was vir ons geroep om ons te kom stilmaak waar dit die mense was wat ager ons gewoon het en die vorige nag tot na 3 die oggend te kere gegaan het, maar hulle is gelos.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Kelvin. Thank you very much for the feedback. We will certainly pay attention to it.

Kelvin. Baie dankie vir die terugvoer. Ons sal verseker aandag daaraan gee.

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Hanlie K
Short stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2023

Very disappointed. Marleô Holiday home can be nice if problems are looked at urgently. Same issues mentioned in previous reviews still apply. Booked for 6 days and moved out after 2 days. Problems with power. Upper and lower air conditioner may not be equal if the power goes down. Air conditioners' water runs out in rooms. Roof leaks when it rains. Rats in walls and urine smell. Look at the problems urgently and it can be a nice vacation spot. Lost a lot of food that went rotten in fridge without power. The owners said 3 days money back to us and our deposit.

Baie teleurgesteld. Marleô Vakansie huis kan lekker wees as daar dringend na probleme gekyk word. Selfde probleme wat in vorige resensies genoem word, geld nog steeds. Vir 6 dae geboek en na 2 dae uitgetrek. Probleme met krag. Boonste en onderste lugversorger kan nie gelyk aan wees as die krag afgaan. Lugversorgers se water loop in kamers uit. Dak lek as dit reën. Rotte in mure en urienreuk. Kyk dringend na die probleme en dit kan 'n lekker vakansieplek wees. Baie kos verloor wat vrot geword het in yskas sonder krag. Die eienaars het 3 dae gesê geld aan ons terugbetaal en ons deposito.

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Value for money
Marleô Vakansie huis

Thanks for the review Hanlie. As I recall, we sorted out the problems straight away. The problem was also a problem with the park's electricity. I remember your words as "It's just Marloth" and Leon said no, we'll get someone to sort it out now. On the 27th two workers were in the roof, no rats or droppings were found. With reasonable rain, there was a leak, which unfortunately we didn't know until it rained. I would appreciate it if you could send me the "problems from previous reviews". It would be really appreciated. Thank you very much.

Dankie vir die resensie Hanlie. Soos ek onthou, het ons dadelik die probleme uitgesorteer. Die probleem was ook 'n probleem met die park se elektrisiteit. Ek onthou jou woorde as "Dit is maar Marloth" en Leon het gesê nee, ons kry nou iemand om dit uit te sorteer. Op die 27ste was twee werkers in die dak, geen rotte of mis was gevind nie. Met redelike reën, was daar 'n lekplek, wat ons ongelukkig nie geweet het totdat dit reën nie. Ek sal dit waardeer indien jy die "probleme van vorige resensies" vir my kan stuur. Dit sal opreg waardeer word. Baie dankie.

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Marie Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 10

On LekkeSlaap 1 year

From R1 600
R 1 600 R 1 280
per night (sleeps 6)
From R1 600
R 1 600 R 1 280
per night (sleeps 6)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
  • Capacity: 6 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 22:00
    Check-out: 09:00
  • Address: 4294 Impala Street, Marloth Park, 1321, Mpumalanga
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAbfe362737900820b1c50bb8afd03ac96b9b90d5e0a570e826465b5b1f9788fc4ac50ce9f372acf014e1951da5cc614e3683e?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 600 nowFrom R1 280 per night (sleeps 6) 10 5 1 5 4294 Impala Street Marloth Park 1321 Mpumalanga 021 201 8901 14:00-22:00 09:00 -25.3568855 31.8059247

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