Value for money.
A great stay. We requested an early breakfast as we had to get to a marathon, and the host came in early to make us an excellent breakfast.
It was not a pleasant experience at all.
Michelle contacted us at 08:30 am to ask if we could check in earlier than 14:00 and mentioned our room number. Upon arrival at the guesthouse at approximately 12:00, Michelle was not there, but a maid, upon mentioning our room number, took us to our accommodation. We decided to explore the area and returned to the guesthouse at around 16:45 pm to enjoy our takeaway. Upon arrival, there were more guests who were noisy with their music and loud chatter. Not too long after, more friends of the noisy guests arrived with a boom box, a large round bowl and a loaf of bread. We realized that there was going to be a big party and this on Christmas Day, which we would like to spend quietly. There was a lady who was walking around with only a towel around her body. There would definitely be no peace for us, because the boom box was an indication that a big party was planned by all the guests, who knew each other. We were not willing to be part of this, because that is not how we spend Christmas time. The swimming pool was also used and it is between the accommodation units. We were also not informed that such a party might be planned. We contacted Michelle just after 17:00 (who was not yet on the premises) and asked where we could leave the key to our accommodation since we were not going to sleep there. We also mentioned to her that we could not be held responsible for any damage that might be caused to our accommodation because we had to leave the key on her table. She wanted to know the reason why we were not going to stay and explain to her what we had found when we returned from our exploration. We then left. We called her again at 6:20 pm to discuss this and to find out if she was aware of what was going on at the property, but she did not return our call. We were forced to find other accommodation as we did not want to return to Cape Town at that time of night.
Dit was glad nie 'n aangename ervaring nie.
Michelle het ons om 08:30 vm gekontak om te vra of ons vroeër as 14:00 kan aanmeld en genoem wat ons kamernommer is. By aankoms by die gastehuis om ongeveer 12:00, was Michelle nie daar nie, maar 'n huishulp het, met die melding van ons kamernommer, ons na ons verblyf geneem. Ons het besluit om die omgewing te gaan verken en het om en by 16:45 nm weer teruggekeer na die gastehuis om ons wegneemete te nuttig. Met die aankoms was daar meer gaste wat raserig was met hulle musiek en harde gebabbel. Nie te lank daarna nie, het nog meer vriende van die raserige gaste opgedaag met 'n boom box, 'n groot ronde bak en 'n brood. Ons het besef dat daar groot makietie gehou gaan word en dit op Kersdag wat ons graag rustig sou wou spandeer. Daar was 'n dame wat slegs met 'n handdoek om haar lyf rondgeloop het. Daar sou beslis geen rustigheid wees vir ons nie, want die boom box was 'n aanduiding dat 'n groot partytjie deur al die gaste, wat bekend aan mekaar is, beplan is. Ons was nie bereid om deel hiervan te wees nie, want dit is nie hoe ons Kerstyd spandeer nie. Die swembad was ook gebruik en dit is tussen die verblyf eenhede. Ons is ook nie ingelig dat daar dalk so 'n partytjie beplan is nie. Ons het vir Michelle gekontak net na 17:00 (wie nog nie op die perseel was nie) en gevra waar ons die sleutel van ons verblyf kan laat aangesien ons nie daar gaan oorslaap nie. Ons het ook aan haar genoem dat ons nie verantwoordelik gehou kan word vir enige skade wat aangebring mag word in ons verblyf omdat ons die sleutel op haar tafel moes los nie. Sy wou die rede weet waarom ons nie gaan aanbly nie en aan haar verduidelik wat ons bevinding was toe ons teruggekeer het van ons verkenning. Ons het toe vertrek. Ons het haar weer om 18:20 nm gebel om met haar hieroor te praat en te verneem of sy bewus is van wat op die perseel aan die gang is, maar sy het nie ons oproep beantwoord nie. Ons was genoodsaak om ander verblyf te kry omdat ons nie daardie tyd van die aand wou terugkeer Kaapstad toe nie.
Thanks Glorelda, it was a pleasure having you at our Guest House. Regards.
Dankie Glorelda, dit was 'n plesier om jou by ons Gastehuis te hê. Groete.
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Lindiwe M
Short stay ⋅ With partner
Aug 2022
We had an amazing time at the Caledon Guest house very clean, quite and beautiful.
The breakfast was delicious and hot, we really coming back for other holiday. Being to George for the second time it was breath taking ,the town is very clean no traffic, no noise it was just so relaxing. Western Province is the place to be the restaurants have delicious food ,staff very friendly. I am going to visit again soon.
Unprofessional managers who shout and swear at each other.
I stayed in Room 1 which is in the house. The room is beautiful, but very noisy from the people in the house. The staff offices are right outside the room and the room is not at all sound proof. Some of the staff sat right outside my room playing music. The two managers were shouting and swearing at each other and I couldn't hear myself think above the noise. The breakfast was lovely! The room was very tidy and comfortable.
Onprofessionele bestuurders wat op mekaar skree en vloek.
Ek het in kamer 1 gebly wat in die huis is. Die kamer is pragtig, maar baie raserig van die mense in die huis. Die personeelkantore is reg buite die kamer en die kamer is glad nie klankdig nie. Party van die personeel het buite my kamer gesit en musiek gespeel. Die twee bestuurders het op mekaar geskree en gevloek en ek kon myself nie hoor dink bo die geraas nie. Die ontbyt was lekker! Die kamer was baie netjies en gemaklik.
Very nice and comfortable.
We stayed on the first floor with an outside staircase which was a bit uncomfortable, but otherwise very comfortable and tidy!
Baie lekker en gerieflik.
Ons het op eerste vloer gebly met 'n buite trap wat bietjie ongemaklik was, maar verder baie gerieflik en netjies!
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Address: 35 Caledon Street, Camphersdrift, George, 6529, Western Cape
TGCSA rating:,format,compress&q=80
From R1 200 per night, for 2 ppl
1051535 Caledon StreetCamphersdrift6529Western Cape021 201 890114:00-18:0010:00-33.95030809831122.461816233135