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Beach Bungalow

Self Catering


4.1/ 5

Based on 2 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Jd E
Long stay With partner
Jan 2025

Very close to the beach, very friendly family, the best 3 dogs ever, nice braai. This is really the best place you and your partner could stay for a vacation in Cape Town, it's really close to Blouberg Strand and a shopping centre. You really get what you paid for and the hosts made us feel like we were home. I highly recommend this place for anybody who wants to enjoy a nice and comfortable stay in Cape Town.

Value for money

Louis K
Short stay With partner
Mar 2024

Disappointing, very cramped and small. Dogs were a problem. Linen was poor. It was ok, but I wouldn't stay there again. There were no glasses, but got from the owner.

Teleurstellend, baie beknop en klein. Honde was 'n probleem. Linne was swak. Dit was oraait, maar ek sal nie weer daar bly nie. Daar was nie glase nie, maar het gekry by die eienaar.

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Value for money
Beach Bungalow

Hi Louis, Thank you for your review. I find it quite disappointing that you have reviewed our apartment in this way. All other reviews have been positive with satisfactory ratings. The low ratings you have given, specifically regarding customer service, value for money, and cleanliness, have surprised me. Some context for your consideration: 1 - The apartment was serviced two hours before your arrival and was spotless. 2 - Brand new linen and fresh towels (which we don't usually supply for guests) were provided in the bedroom. 3 - The cost of your stay was 35% less than our local competitors. 4 - We pride ourselves on having everything needed in the setup. There were glasses in the apartment. The fact you requested a specific wine glass, which is not typically supplied, was an exception. 5 - I personally asked you about our puppies when you arrived, ensuring you were comfortable with them being in the front part of the property. If it was a problem, I would have happily placed them in our back garden. For future reference, if you have issues with a property you are staying at, it would be appreciated if these could be raised directly with the hosts at that time. This would allow them to take your feedback into account and improve your experience. We noted that you left one of your old beach towels at our private pool area, please confirm an address so we can return it to you. We wish you well on your future travels, take care.

Hallo Louis, Dankie vir jou resensie. Ek vind dit nogal teleurstellend dat jy ons woonstel op hierdie manier hersien het. Alle ander resensies was positief met bevredigende graderings. Die lae graderings wat jy gegee het, spesifiek met betrekking tot kliëntediens, waarde vir geld en netheid, het my verras. 'n Paar konteks vir jou oorweging: 1 - Die woonstel is twee uur voor jou aankoms gediens en was silwerskoon. 2 - Splinternuwe linne en vars handdoeke (wat ons gewoonlik nie vir gaste verskaf nie) is in die slaapkamer voorsien. 3 - Die koste van jou verblyf was 35% minder as ons plaaslike mededingers. 4 - Ons is trots daarop om alles wat nodig is in die opstelling te hê. Daar was glase in die woonstel. Die feit dat jy 'n spesifieke wynglas aangevra het, wat nie tipies verskaf word nie, was 'n uitsondering. 5 - Ek het jou persoonlik gevra oor ons hondjies toe jy aangekom het, om te verseker dat jy gemaklik was met hulle in die voorste deel van die eiendom. As dit ’n probleem was, sou ek hulle met graagte in ons agtertuin geplaas het. Vir toekomstige verwysing, as u probleme ondervind met 'n eiendom waar u tuisgaan, sal dit waardeer word as dit direk met die gashere op daardie tydstip geopper kan word. Dit sal hulle toelaat om jou terugvoer in ag te neem en jou ervaring te verbeter. Ons het opgemerk dat jy een van jou ou strandhanddoeke by ons privaat swembadarea gelos het, bevestig asseblief 'n adres sodat ons dit aan jou kan terugbesorg. Ons wens jou voorspoed toe op jou toekomstige reise, pas op.

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Ruth Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 9

On LekkeSlaap 2 years

From R850
R 850 R 680
per night (sleeps 2)
From R850
R 850 R 680
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 2 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 28 Albus Drive, Sunset Beach, 7441, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA83881eedd91f2a6a6bbd539be220734cd16b31efdcfd7e986c342af5828648bfc6bf810e29d35708f4435ffc94a5dfedd249?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R850 nowFrom R680 per night (sleeps 2) 2 5 1 5 28 Albus Drive Sunset Beach 7441 Western Cape 021 201 8901 15:00-19:00 10:00 -33.848005079017 18.490003903041

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