Immer Lacht is affordable and neat for any getaway holiday or weekend.
My wife and I had the best vacation of our married life together. Immer Lacht is immaculately clean and beautiful, and centrally located for whatever one might need. We were warmly welcomed by our host and hostess, and told that we should ask if we needed anything, or if we needed any information about the area, that they would be happy to help us make the most of our stay in the area. Immer Lacht is situated on a hill that offers a breathtaking view of the fields and hills. Immer Lacht is also located close to all the main cities/towns. With Mossel Bay and Hartenbos on one side, and George/Knysna on the other, one has enough getaway opportunities to not complain that your stay is monotonous and boring. The places mentioned are located close enough to Immer Lacht to make it a day trip experience, and to be back safely by sunset. We give Immer Lacht a comfortable 5 out of 5, and recommend it for any prospective vacationer to consider as a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of city life.
Immer Lacht is bekostigbaar en netjies vir enige wegbreekvakansie of naweek.
Ek en my eggenote het die beste vakansie van ons getroude lewe saam gehad. Immer Lacht is onberispelik netjies en pragtig, en sentraal geleë vir wat 'n mens ook al nodig het. Ons was vriendelik ontvang deur ons gasheer en gasvrou, en gesê dat ons moet vra indien ons enigiets benodig, of as ons enige inligting oor die omgewing benodig, dat hulle ons met graagte sal help om die beste van ons verblyf in die omgewing te maak. Immer Lacht is teen 'n heuwel geleë wat 'n asemrowende uitsig oor die velde en heuwels bied. Immer Lacht is ook naby al die hoofstede/dorpe geleë. Met Mosselbaai en Hartenbos aan die een kant, en George/Knysna aan die ander kant, het 'n mens genoeg wegbreekgeleenthede om geensins te kla dat jou verblyf eentonig en vervelig is nie. Genoemde plekke is naby genoeg aan Immer Lacht geleë om dit 'n daguitstappie-ervaring te maak, en teen sonsondergang veilig terug te wees. Ons gee Immer Lacht 'n gemaklike 5 uit 5, en beveel dit aan vir enige voornemende vakansieganger om dit as 'n welkome wegbreek van die gejaagdheid en gewoel van die stadslewe af te oorweeg.
Thank you very much for the great feedback from Immer Lacht! You were truly fantastic guests and are welcome here with us anytime.
Baie dankie vir die goeie terugvoering van Immer Lacht! Julle was voorwaar fantastiese gaste en is welkom enige tyd hier by ons.
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Lallie D
1 night stay ⋅ With partner
Jan 2025
Absolutely delicious.
Hostess is excellent.
Netjies heerlik.
Gasvrou is uitstekend.
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Value for money
Dirk L
Short stay ⋅ With partner
Oct 2024
Everything met our expectations 100%.
It was a fantastic stay. Very neat and clean. Adri received us very friendly and hospitable and was always available for any need.
Alles het 100% aan ons verwagtinge voldoen.
Fantastiese verblyf gewees. Baie netjies en skoon. Adri het ons baie vriendelik en gasvry ontvang en was altyd beskikbaar vir enige behoefte.
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Hi Dirk,
What a wonderful privilege to be able to receive you here. Always nice to hear about the Free State and be able to meet people! Please come again.
Hi Dirk,
Wat 'n heerlike voorreg om jou hier te kon ontvang. Altyd lekker om van die Vrystaat te hoor en mense te kan ontmoet! Kom asbl. weer.
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Rita En Aalwyn P
Short stay ⋅ With partner
Jan 2025
Clean and neat.
Thank you, that was nice.
Skoon en netjies.
Dankie, dit was lekker.
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Value for money
Piet D
1 night stay ⋅ With partner
Oct 2024
Had a great time and would love to go again.
Very nice stay. Well equipped with everything you need and extra. Friendly hostess and very hospitable. A beautiful place with a very nice view and garden.
Heerlik gekuier en sal graag weer gaan.
Baie lekker gebly. Goed toegerus met als wat nodig is en ekstra. Vriendelike gasvrou en baie gasvry. 'n Pragtige plek met 'n baie mooi uitsig en tuin.
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Thank you very much for your kindness! It was truly a privilege to be able to meet you. Please come and visit here again at Immer Lacht.
Baie dankie vir julle vriendelikheid! Was werklik 'n voorreg om julle te kon ontmoet. Kom kuier asb. weer hier by Immer Lacht.
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Felicia W
Short stay
Mar 2024
Breathtaking, tranquil, homely.
Our recent holiday stay at Immer Lacht was an experience filled with serenity, natural beauty, and relaxation. Tucked away in the tranquil outskirts of Mossel Bay, this stay offered a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Upon arrival, we were immediately struck by the breathtaking surroundings. The tranquil atmosphere was instantly soothing, and we felt a sense of calm wash over us as we settled into our accommodation. The accommodation itself was comfortable and well-appointed, with all the necessary amenities for a relaxing stay. We particularly enjoyed the private patio, where we could sit and enjoy our morning coffee while soaking in the sights and sounds of the countryside. The highlight of our stay was undoubtedly the outdoor activities at the surrounding establishments and restaurants. We spent our days exploring the picturesque hiking trails, visiting the ostrich farm (Oudtshoorn) and enjoyed a game drive which was just 20 minutes from Immer Lacht. We ended our days with a sunset braai overlooking the countryside. The sense of camaraderie and community added an extra layer of warmth to our stay, making us feel truly at home. We loved our stay at Immer Lacht. The hosts are amazing humans. If it's your first time visiting Mossel Bay, chat to them, they know the area very well and will give you recommendations of places and restaurants to visit. Overall, our holiday stay at Immer Lacht was a wonderful experience that left us feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. From the stunning natural surroundings to the cosy accommodation and friendly atmosphere, everything we needed for a memorable getaway. We would highly recommend it to anyone seeking a peaceful escape.
Thank you Felicia. We appreciate your exquisite review and would love to have you back here soon. You were a superb guest.
Dankie Felicia. Ons waardeer jou uitstekende resensie en sal jou graag binnekort weer hier wil hê. Jy was 'n uitstekende gas.
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Catherine F
Long stay ⋅ With partner
Feb 2024
It was delicious, would definitely recommend.
We had a wonderful stay, host friendly, truly a home away from home, safe area, close to the beach and the view is breathtaking. Together with a sundowner on the veranda it was only better. Would 100% recommend and visit again!
Dit was heerlik, sal beslis aanbeveel.
Ons het heerlik gebly, gasheer vriendelik, werklik 'n huis weg van ons huis gewees, veilige area, naby aan die strand en die uitsig is asemrowend. Saam met 'n sundowner op die stoep was dit net beter. Sal 100% aanbeveel en weer gaan kuier!
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Address: 19 Mooisig Crescent, Reebok, Groot Brakrivier, 6503, Western Cape,format,compress&q=80
From R750 per night (sleeps 2)
751519 Mooisig CrescentReebok6503Western Cape021 201 890114:00-19:0010:00-34.07286044434422.164525007616