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Baby Elephant

Self Catering


3.8/ 5

Based on 2 reviews


Value for money
Kevin L
Short stay With partner
Oct 2024

Very peaceful and relaxing. See stars.

Value for money

Lynette S
Short stay
Oct 2024

Disappointed, not what we expected. Definitely could have paid a little more attention to cleanliness. Kettle and ice machine had been dirty inside. Outside around the place and the stoepie part was not clean and tidy on arrival. The shower has no doors that can close and when you shower, the floor is wet. The Solar box in the room is not pleasant at all. Makes noises all night that are very disturbing and one cannot rest properly. That beeping sound keeps you awake. The check-out time can definitely be extended to 10 o'clock, seeing that the next person can only check in again at 2 o'clock, there is enough time to properly clean and prepare the place. For the price one pays, I don't think it's worth your money. Jacuzzi's use may be included in the price and not prepaid.

Teleurgestel, nie wat ons verwag het nie. Kon beslis bietjie meer aandag gegee het aan netheid. Kettle en ysmasjien was vuil binne gewees. Buite om die plek en die stoepie gedeelte was nie skoon en netjies met aankoms nie. Die stort het geen deure wat kan toemaak nie en as mens stort, is die vloer nat. Die Solar boks in die kamer is glad nie aangenaam nie. Maak heelaand geluide wat baie steurend is en mens kan nie behoorlik rus nie. Daai beep geluid hou mens uit die slaap. Die uitkloktyd kan beslis verleng word na 10 uur toe, siende dat die volgende persoon eers weer teen 2 uur mag inboek, is daar genoeg tyd om plek behoorlik te kan skoonmaak en voor te berei. Vir die prys wat mens betaal, dink ek nie dit is jou geld werd nie. Jacuzzi se gebruik kan by die prys ingesluit wees en nie prepaid nie.

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Value for money
Baby Elephant

good day We are very sorry to hear about your experience. We go out of our way to make it as enjoyable as possible for all our guests. The municipal water is 90% of the time at a standard but it happens from time to time that it contains a bit of dust, especially after pipes have burst and there has been work done. So that might be where the dust came from. The shower door was removed to accommodate all clients to be able to move comfortably in and out of the shower. We put up a square shower head to limit the splash of water and also put a mat in front of the door to catch the water so no one has to slip. The check-out time is there so that the cleaning contractor has enough time to clean the place before new guests arrive on the same day. The contractor also has not only my house, but a whole comp of other properties as well. But if you picked up the phone and made arrangements with us, we could have let you move out later. The inverter is there for your convenience not to sit in the dark and to prevent your food from going rotten. If he made noise it is because there was a problem with the electricity supply and you might be in the dark. Do remember that the house is in a nature conservancy and there is a constant influx of animals that make dirt again after it has been cleaned. There is also a large tree in front of the house for shade which is constantly shedding leaves. So it is impossible to have someone there cleaning 24 hours a day. But apart from all the above we are available by phone 24 hours a day and have not once received a call to give us an opportunity to try to help or to come fix or clean. So, I don't understand where the unhappiness comes from. Please pick up the phone and call in the future if you are unhappy. I do note that we will probably never be able to make 100% of guests happy no matter how hard we try. Have a nice day.

Goeiedag. Ons is baie hartseer om te verneem van jou ondervinding. Ons gaan uit ons pad om dit so lekker as mootlik vir al ons gaste te maak. Die municipale water is 90% van die tyd op 'n hoe standaard maar gebeur van tyd tot tyd dat dit 'n biejie stof bevat veral na pype gebars het en daar aangwerk was. So dit is dalk waar die stoffies vandaan gekom het. Die stort deur is afgehaal om alle kliente te akkomodeer om gemaklik in die stort in en uit te kan beweeg. Ons het 'n vierkantige stortkop opgesit om die spat van water te beperk en ook 'n matjie voor die deur gesit om die water op te vang sodat niemand moet gly nie. Die uitklok tyd is daar sodat die kontrakteer wat skoon maak genoeg tyd het om die plek skoon te maak voor nuwe gaste die selfde dag opdaag. Die kontrakteer het ook nie net my huis nie, maar 'n hele komp ander eindomme ook. Maar as jy die telefoon op getel het en met ons reelings getref het kon ons julle later laat vetrek het. Die inverter is daar vir jou gerief om nie in die donker te sit nie en om te keer dat jou kos frot raak nie. As hy geraas het is dit omdat daar 'n probleem met die elektrisiteit toevoer was en julle dalk in die donder sou sit. Onthou wel die huis is in 'n nature concervancy en daar is gedurig 'n toeloop van diere wat weer vuil maak nadat dit skoon gemaak was. Daar is ook 'n groot boom voor die huis vir skaduwee wat gedurig blare afgooi. So dit is onmoontlik om 24 uur 'n dag iemand daar te hê wat skoon maak. Maar buiten al die bogenoemde is ons 24 uur 'n dag telephonies beskikbaar en het ons nie een keer 'n oproep onvang om ons 'n geleentheid te gee om te probeer help of om te kom regmaak of skoonmaak nie. So, ek verstaan nie waar die ongelukkigheid vandaan kom nie. Tel asseblief die telefoon op en bel in die toekoms as jy ongelukkig is. Ek neem wel kennis dat ons seker nooit 100% van gaste sal kan gelukkig maak nie al probeer ons hoe hard. Lekker dag verder.

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Carin Verified

Properties 3

Reviews 28

On LekkeSlaap 3 years

From R1 000
R 1 000 R 850
per night (sleeps 3)
From R1 000
R 1 000 R 850
per night (sleeps 3)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 3 people
    2 adults, 1 child
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 09:00
  • Address: 2012 Olifant Drive, Marloth Park, 1320, Mpumalanga
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA6e0b5d80ac157c3f36fd8c2527f061dbb084d15961440efda199d6e49704e10f20ef61e6bef1d702e7d1cf196dbb9b1aa0f1?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R1 000 nowFrom R850 per night (sleeps 3) 2 5 1 4 2012 Olifant Drive Marloth Park 1320 Mpumalanga 021 201 8901 14:00-23:00 09:00 -25.351751191218 31.770607304299

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