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25 On Main

Self Catering


4.8/ 5

Based on 9 reviews


Value for money
Annemarie G
Short stay With partner
Feb 2025

Excellent, will definitely recommend. Very pleasant stay. Value for money and perfect location close to the beach. Will definitely stay there again on my next visit.

Value for money
25 On Main
Dear Annemarie Thank you so much for such a beautiful review! We appreciate that you took the time to write to us! We are glad you enjoyed your stay with us! It is guests like you that warm our hearts! We look forward to your next visit! Warm regards 25 On Main, Struisbaai

Deborah B
Short stay Family with young children
Sep 2024

We enjoyed our stay and would recommend 25 on Main. Our stay was very comfortable. The living areas are very spacious for a group of 8. I also met Rita and she is a very helpful and friendly host. We enjoyed our stay at 25 on Main and would definitely recommend it to family and friends, and we would stay there again.

Value for money
25 On Main
Dear Deborah and family! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your positive review! It is guests like you that warm our hearts in such a way that cannot be described. Your warm presence was so welcome, and we would love to welcome you back in the future! Till next time. Warm regards, 25 On Main, Struisbaai

Clinton M
Short stay Family with young children
Sep 2024

I got what I wanted. The pictures on the website were accurate to the venue. It was awesome. I will keep in touch for the next visit.

Value for money
25 On Main

Dear Clinton Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a friendly and good review for your stay! It warms our hearts to know that guests enjoyed their break and had a great time with friends and family! We really appreciate it! Until next time! Greetings from 25 On Main!

Beste Clinton Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy gemaak het om so 'n vriendelike en goeie resensie te skryf vir jul verblyf! Dit maak ons harte warm om te weet dat gaste hul wegbreek geniet het en lekker gekuier het saam met vriende en familie! Ons waardeer dit opreg! Tot volgende keer! Groetnis van 25 On Main!

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Kyle C
Short stay With partner
Jun 2024

Amazing. Amazing place and location will visit again!

Value for money
25 On Main

Thank you for leaving the unit in such pristine condition and for your thoughtful, positive review. We truly appreciate your care and kind words. We are looking forward to your next visit for more beautiful memories! Warm regards!

Dankie dat jy die eenheid in so 'n ongerepte toestand gelaat het en vir jou deurdagte, positiewe resensie. Ons waardeer u omgee en vriendelike woorde opreg. Ons sien uit na jou volgende besoek vir nog mooi herinneringe! Groete!

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Elizna H
Short stay With partner
Jun 2024

Had a great time. The place has everything you need. Yes, we had a great time. We would have preferred a unit rather than 2 separate rooms, but the owner has plans to expand it.

Heerlik gekuier. Die plekkie het alles wat jy nodig het. Ja, ons het heerlik gekuier. Ons sou 'n eenheid verkies het en nie 2 afsonderlike vertrekke nie, maar die eienaar het planne om dit uit te brei.

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Value for money
25 On Main

Dear Eliza Thank you very much for taking the time to write a review for 25 On Main Struisbaai. It is truly appreciated, as well as your support and the time you spent with us. We look forward to welcoming you again with open arms on your next getaway to Struisbaai! Until next time! regards 25 On Main

Beste Elizna Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy afgestaan het om 'n resensie te skryf vir 25 On Main Struisbaai. Dit word opreg waardeer, asook jul ondersteuning en tyd wat jul by ons deurgebring het. Ons sien daarna uit om jul met jul volgende wegbreek na Struisbaai weer met ope arms te verwelkom! Tot volgende keer! Groete 25 On Main

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Ursulla L
Short stay
Jan 2024

We had a great stay in Aloha. This is the home portion of 25 On Main. We had a great stay in Aloha. This is the home portion of 25 On Main. We were grandma with 4 adults and 2 little ones aged 1 and 2. There is a small lawn on which the little ones could play. There is a large indoor barbecue with bar that kept the men busy and the mums could just relax. There are lovely sofas on which grandma could sit and chat with the little ones. This is absolutely a place to recommend. It's walking distance from the sea. Regardless of the fact that the road is busy, when the sliding doors are closed at night, it is peaceful. Here we go again!

Ons het baie lekker gebly in Aloha. Dit is die huisgedeelte van 25 On Main. Ons het baie lekker gebly in Aloha. Dit is die huisgedeelte van 25 On Main. Ons was ouma met 4 volwassenes en 2 kleintjies van 1 en 2. Daar is 'n klein grasperk waarop die kleintjies kon speel. Daar is 'n groot binnebraai met kroeg wat die mans besiggehou het en die mammas kon net ontspan. Daar is heerlike banke waarop ouma kon sit en met die kleingoed gesels. Hierdie is absoluut 'n plek om aan te beveel. Dis loopafstand van die see. Ongeag die feit dat die pad besig is, wanneer die skuifdeure saans toegemaak word, is dit rustig. Ons gaan weer!

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Value for money
25 On Main

Dear Ursula! Thank you very much for the nice review you gave us and also the time you gave. We really appreciate it and it was so nice to have you with us! Feel free to visit again! Until next time. Regards, 25 On Main

Beste Ursulla! Baie dankie vir die mooi resensie wat jy vir ons gegee het en ook die tyd wat jy afgestaan het. Ons waardeer dit opreg en dit was so lekker om jul by ons te hê! Kom kuier gerus weer! Tot weersiens. Groete, 25 On Main

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Naomi K
Short stay With partner
Sep 2024

Will definitely rent the accommodation again. Secure parking and privacy. Everything was very neat and private. Extras such as biscuits, milk and coffee were available. Towels beautifully white and crisp.

Sal beslis weer die verblyf huur. Veilige parkering en privaatheid. Alles was baie netjies en privaat. Ekstra soos beskuit, melk en koffie was beskikbaar. Handdoeke pragtig wit en kraakvars.

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Value for money
25 On Main

Dear Naomi Thank you very much for taking the time to write a review for 25 On Main Struisbaai. It is truly appreciated, as well as your presence and the time you spent with us. We look forward to welcoming you again with open arms on your next getaway to Struisbaai! Until next time! Greetings 25 On Main.

Beste Naomi Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy afgestaan het om 'n resensie te skryf vir 25 On Main Struisbaai. Dit word opreg waardeer, asook julle teenwoordigheid en tyd wat julle by ons deurgebring het. Ons sien daarna uit om julle met julle volgende wegbreek na Struisbaai weer met ope arms te verwelkom! Tot volgende keer! Groete 25 On Main.

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Jacolien V
Short stay Family with teenagers
Oct 2023

The view of the unit creates a very positive impression. It looks safe, modern and well maintained. The directions for our arrival were very detailed. We didn't struggle at all. The unit itself is well planned, the furniture, bedding and equipment are all of good durable quality - as you would use in your own home. Some places buy the absolute cheapest equipment and it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. When you go on holiday, you want to feel that things are at the same standard as at home, or better. Here we felt it that way. There is a lovely large back garden with a spotless braai which we used and where we spent a whole afternoon and evening. Everything works, WiFi, Netflix and all equipment. There is literally nothing that was broken or that needed attention or that I would complain about. The unit is halfway between the harbor and the beach, so well located.

Die aansig van die eenheid skep 'n baie positiewe indruk. Dit lyk veilig, modern en uitstekend versorg. Die aanwysings vir ons aankoms was baie breedvoerig. Ons het glad nie gesukkel nie. Die eenheid self is goed beplan, die meubels, beddegoed en toerusting is alles van goeie duursame kwaliteit - soos wat jy in jou eie huis sal gebruik. Sommige plekke koop absoluut die goedkoopste toerusting en dit laat 'n slegte smaak in die mond. As jy op vakansie gaan, wil jy voel dinge is op dieselfde standaard as by die huis, of beter. Hier het ons dit so gevoel. Daar is 'n heerlike groot agtertuin met 'n silwerskoon braai wat ons gebruik het en waar ons 'n hele middag en aand gekuier het. Alles werk, WiFi, Netflix en alle toerusting. Daar is letterlik niks wat stukkend was of wat aandag nodig gehad het of waaroor ek sou kla nie. Die eenheid is halfpad tussen die hawe en die strand, so goed geleë.

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Value for money
25 On Main

Dear Jacoline! Thank you very much for your review. We are very grateful for the feedback and glad you had a great time at 25 On Main. It was a privilege to have you as our guests. We hope to welcome you again soon for an even better experience. We strive for better and higher, and believe we have already made a difference as new owners! Thanks again for taking the time to leave a review! We really appreciate it! Best wishes and many thanks for the support. regards 25 On Main

Liewe Jacolien! Baie dankie vir jul resensie. Ons is baie dankbaar vir die terugvoering en bly julle het 'n wonderlike tyd by 25 On Main gehad. Dit was 'n voorreg om jul as ons gaste te hê. Ons hoop om julle binnekort weer te verwelkom vir 'n nog beter ervaring. Ons streef na beter en hoër, en glo ons het al klaar ñ verskil gemaak as nuwe eienaars! Weereens dankie vir die tyd wat jy afgestaan het om h resensie te los! Ons waardeer dit opreg! Beste wense en baie dankie vir die ondersteuning. Groete 25 On Main

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William D
1 night stay With partner
Dec 2023

Pleasant. We would rather be closer to the sea and the main road is too busy.

Aangenaam. Ons sou eerder nader aan die see wou wees en die hoofpad is te besig.

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Value for money
25 On Main

Dear William Thank you very much for taking the time to provide feedback and write a review. We take all feedback seriously so that the guests can have a better experience, and will do our best to make stays more pleasant in the future. On holiday it is busy and busy in Struisbaai and the festival-goers enjoy the sun and sea. Unfortunately I can't change anything about the location of the property, but I will make a note of the rest. I'm sorry that your experience did not meet your expectations. Regards, Rita

Beste William Baie dankie vir die tyd wat jy afgestaan het om terugvoering te gee en 'n resensie te skryf. Ons neem alle terugvoering ernstig op sodat die gaste 'n beter ervaring kan hê, en sal ons bes doen om verblyf aangenamer te maak in die toekoms. Vakansie is dit maar besig en bedrywig in Struisbaai en die feesgangers geniet die son en see. Ongelukkig kan ek niks aan die ligging van die eiendom verander nie, maar die res sal ek 'n nota van maak. Ek is jammer dat jou ervaring nie aan jou verwagtinge voldoen het nie. Groete, Rita

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Rita Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 21

On LekkeSlaap 1 year

From R750
R 750 R 525
per night (sleeps 2)
From R750
R 750 R 525
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Free cancellation up to 24 hours before your stay!
  • Capacity: 14 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 25 Main Road, Struis Bay, 7285, Western Cape
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA7773ddf66f6f1d89626e18697da875f1217f055920f77315d03503e7335f190aa8d9bf3c36c7896b2e3da9f703805315419d?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 was R750 nowFrom R525 per night (sleeps 2) 9 5 1 5 25 Main Road Struis Bay 7285 Western Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -34.797450325953 20.045149676412

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