Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Yzerfontein
Rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 767 reviews.
"Lula's is a great restaurant and there is are 2 food trucks by the beach, one selling coffee and the other ice-cream, both excellent, the local Spar has everything you need. Loved it there."
"Vir ons wat in die Kaap woon, is Yzerfontein die ideale vakansiebestemming - veral vir 'n kort wegbreek. Dis nie te ver nie, dis pragtig en dis 'n netjiese en skoon kusdorp met genoeg verblyf."
"Yzerfontein is veel groter as wat ons gedink het. Daar is genoeg winkels en restaurante met heerlike kos en selfs kuierplekke waar jy tydens load-shedding jou tyd kan verwyl. Ons sal weer gaan kuier."
"Wonderlike wegbreekdorpie met lekker restaurante en natuurlik die lekkerste bakery vir brood en gebak."
"Prentjiemooi en skoon. 'n Baie gerieflike bestemming as jy ook ander plekke wil besoek."
"What a beautiful town. There aren't any words that can do justice to Yzerfontein. So clean and safe. Fabulous Spar! No need to bring all your groceries for the weekend, just shop there."
"Ideal for a quiet getaway. Lovely beach and shoreline and walking paths. It now also has quite a little commercial hub."
"Loved everything, from the little shops, to the restaurants etc., awesome place to visit."
"A charming, clean and well cared for town, with a beautiful beach. Excellent position for trips to view flowers."
"Lovely beach, sufficient shopping available, good restaurants and close to other places of interest."
"Beaches lovely. Spar Supermarket in town is lovely. The bakery is town serves a lovely breakfast and the bread is delicious."