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Tankwa Karoo

All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Tankwa Karoo

Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 63 reviews.

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Nie tans nie."

Tankwa Karoo

Ymansdam Farm Accommodation

"Drive slowly, and deflate tires to reduce the risk of punctures on the sharp stones, but get there!"

Tankwa Karoo

Rietvley Cottage

"Beste plek om kop skoon te maak en weer die lewe aan te pak met nuwe krag!"

Tankwa Karoo

Tankwa Tented Camp

"Baie verlate so sal nie in almal se smaak val nie."

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Jy moet die mooi en rustigheid ervaar wat die Karoo jou aanbied."

Tankwa Karoo

Tankwa Tented Camp

"Ek stel voor dat jy nie in middelsomer (Desember, Januarie, Februarie) Tankwa besoek nie. Bitter warm."

Tankwa Karoo

Rietvley Cottage

"Mooiste omgewing, stilte, rus en vrede in oorvloed."

Tankwa Karoo

Rietvley Cottage

"Love this area. Plenty outdoor activities. It was super easy to get to this destination with a normal vehicle."

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Besondere tonele, beide vlakte en omringende berge."

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Die berge is pragtig, maar dit sal lekker wees om op beter paaie te ry."

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Pragtig! Beslis 'n moet as jy in daardie rigting ry. Heeltemal "off the grid". Begroot ekstra geldjie vir vervanging van bande. 4x4-voertuig 'n vereiste."

Tankwa Karoo

Tankwa Tented Camp

"Gaan beleef dit self!"

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Een van die asemrowende natuurskone in SA."

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Ver van Gauteng, maar die natuurskoon is iets anders en die stilte, reuk en besienswaardighede (die paar wat ons kon opspoor!) is 'n "moet" vir Suid-Afrikaners, meeste besoekers wat ons teëgekom het was toeriste van Europa - bemarking van bv. Stadsaalgrotte - dis 'n skande dat niemand daarvan weet nie."

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Absolutely mindblowing."

Tankwa Karoo

Tankwa Tented Camp

"Iets om minstens een keer in jou lewe te sien. Gaan goed voorbereid om heel onafhanklik te kan wees."

Tankwa Karoo

Rietvley Cottage

"The Tankwa is quiet and vast, if this is what you are needing then it's the place for you. Further North is the busier part of the Cederberg, for those looking for activities and wine farms."

Tankwa Karoo

Tankwa Tented Camp

"Gasvryheid en behulpsaamheid ken geen perke by Tankwa."

Tankwa Karoo

Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve

"4x4 nodig om in reservaat te beweeg."

Tankwa Karoo

Tankwa Tented Camp

"Almal moet 'n draai daar maak!"

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"Alles goed, net die paaie."

Tankwa Karoo

Rietvley Cottage

"A must visit region. We spent the day driving through the Tankwa Karoo National Park. You can travel for two hours without seeing a tree. The stark beauty of the place struck a chord. If you have a high clearance vehicle drive up Gannaga Pass for the incredible view and have a beer at Ganagga Lodge. On your way to or from Tankwa Karoo National Park stopping at Tankwa Farmstall is a must - it is a crazy cool place. Visit the Kagga Kamma Nature Reserve via the Katbakkies Pass for the incredible rock formations en route."

Tankwa Karoo

Halfway House Tankwa

"If you find beauty in nature, this stark, remote and silent place is for you!"

Tankwa Karoo

Mount Ceder

"An adventurous surrounding, would love to come back, when it’s less warm."

Tankwa Karoo

African Dawn B&B

"Picturesque in its own way. Roads in good condition."

Tankwa Karoo

Klipwerf Gastehuis

"Hierdie gedeelte van ons land het sy eie bekoring vir ernstige reisigers."

Tankwa Karoo

Tarantula Guesthouse

"Die Tankwa is altyd spesiaal! In blomtyd het dit my asem weggeslaan! "

Tankwa Karoo

Die Blou Nartjie

"Vir seker moet jy 'n besoek aan die Biedouwvallei doen in die Namakwa-blomseisoen. Net jammer die paaie soontoe is byna onbegaanbaar met 'n sedanmotor."

Tankwa Karoo

Rolbos Guest House

"It has a beauty of its own. Very different. People are super friendly."

Tankwa Karoo

Die Blou Nartjie

"Ek is 'n Karoo-kind."

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