Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Johannesburg
Rated 4.1 out of 5 based on 773 reviews.
"Ons het Disney 100 by Gallagher Estate gekyk en kan definitief die venue aanbeveel vir enige shows."
"A city and region with wonderful history, stories to tell and experiences to be had! The weather is fabulous! Truly sad that it is not really safe to explore Johannesburg to its fullest value, a treasure not being enjoyed for its worth!"
"We visited the Farmer's market in Fourways and it was awesome, there is so much to do in Johannesburg."
"Johannesburg was once a beautiful place to visit, but with the degrading infrastructure, both water and roads, it is not the ideal place to visit unless you have family or business meetings in the area."
"It has a lot of hidden gems and very convenient for people who live in the city."
"Too much loadshedding and traffic. People are not good in giving directions to tourists. Verges and roads dirty and unkept. Food and eateries were good."
"Daar is soveel dinge om te doen in en om Johannesburg en ek sal beslis altyd staatmaak op die website vir ons behoeftes."
"Glad nie 'n stadsmens nie en Johannesburg en die omgewing waar ons was en besoek het, was vir ons baie onveilig."
"Ik zou Johannesburg niet aanbevelen lang te blijven. Op doorreis wel en om bepaalde tours te maken, zoals naar Soweto en de geschiedenis van de apartheid ed.. Maar je moet constant op je hoede zijn en dat vind ik wel echt een nadeel, hoewel er ook veel mooie dingen te zien zijn en veel groen zijn er ook echt vieze en gevaarlijke buurten bij (downtown gezien)."
"It was a business trip. Discovered a lovely restaurant 1 km from the venue - MooMoo - Meet and Whine."
"Johannesburg, being the biggest city in South Africa, has a lot to offer whether it’s social, shopping or eating out. Being close to the main airport is a big bonus as well knowing that it’s within a short distance to travel."
"It's a great location but the threat of the shutdown strike was concerning. Otherwise great place indeed."
"Besoekers kan hulself maklik in 'n onveilige gebied bevind, "Maps" waarsku jou nie van gevaarlikke kortpaaie nie. Neem maar eerder die lang roete indien u onseker is van vinnigste roete. Selfoon seine met tye en gebiede soms af, en dit kan jou omkant vang. Let op en wees versigtig."
"The threat of shut down and stay away was worrying but otherwise great destination."
"There was the threat of shut down which was worrying but otherwise, Joburg is great."
"Despite the reputation as the crime capital - there are options like hop on and off and many historical sites."
"Verwaarloos en vuil, kan nie met Wes-Kaap vergelyk nie. Paaie in baie.swak toestand."
"Nie my gunsteling plek nie, maar moet gereeld gaan vir professionele en persoonlike sake."
"Johannesburg self is baie groot en daar is baie om te sien en te doen. Mens het soms die stad nodig oor jou klein rustige klein dorpies."