Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Johannesburg
Rated 4.1 out of 5 based on 773 reviews.
"We lived in Johannesburg for 14 years, and our children and some family are still there, so we love visiting when we have the opportunity."
"Was verstom oor die hoeveelheid onbenutte winkelspasies in Monte Casino en Four Ways Mall wat leeg staan ! Oliver Tambo lughawe was besonder stil op 3/12/2021 en 22/12/2021 in vergelyking met die tyd van die jaar in die verlede."
"If you ever go to Johannesburg, a visit to the Maropeng information centre and Sterkfontein caves (if you're up for being 60m underground) is a must! It was such an adventure. It was about 50 mins from the guesthouse."
"Fairlands and Northcliff are relatively safe places where you can get most of the services you would need. I was able to go for a medical checkup, get my vaccinations up to date and get errands done all within the ease of the general area."
"Plattelanders is nie gewoond aan die verkeer nie!"
"As jy van inkopies hou, is die Oos-Rand 'n lekker plek, maar dit is vir seker nie 'n tradisionele toeristebestemming met besienswaardighede nie."
"Although Natal and Durban are traditional holiday places, Johannesburg has a lot of history and one should visit Johannesburg at least every few years to witness immense growth."
"Baie besig natuurlik, maar daar is voorwaar baie vermaaklikhede om jou dae besig te hou. Dit was vir ons as gesin 100% die moeite werd om daar ons naweek deur te bring."