Verified Reviews
Free State
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Free State
Rated 4.3 out of 5 based on 8234 reviews.
"Riemland is 'n klein oase, maar die voorstad self effe verwaarloos. Potholes, strate vuil. Maar dit was steeds die moeite werd om daar te bly."
"What a little gem of a town. Loads of history and beautiful scenery and the most amazing people. Prices are so good and close proximity of so much to do."
"Not much to do in Ladybrand, but if you have your passport ready you can travel to Lesotho without any issues and go hiking and do a bit of sightseeing."
"Ons sal beslis weer in Harrismith oorbly op pad Drakensberge toe. Dit maak dit meer bekostigbaar en die omgewing is mooi."
"Maybe a bit unfair on my side as I cannot claim to know the place very well, but it does not seem to have much to offer visitors other than some great B&B's."
"Baie vriendelike gemeenskap, lekker koud in die winter en pragtige plekkie."
"Dis jammer die dorp het so agteruit gegaan. Die paaie is maar vervalle en dit is duidelik dat daar nie veel onderhoud gedoen word nie."
"We need more information on things to do and places to eat. Overall not bad, people are friendly."
"Vrystaat, wel Parys om presies te wees is ongelooflik duur as dit kom by kos. Verder is daar geen probleme nie"