Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Dullstroom
Rated 4.5 out of 5 based on 875 reviews.
"Baie mooi dorp, dit is uiters jammer dat mens deur Belfast moet ry om daar uit te kom, wat lyk of dit bombardeer is. Wil beslis meer gereëld 'n aand wegbreek na Dullstroom toe."
"Ons hou baie van Dullstroom. Baie lekker vir 'n kort wegbreek. Die restaurante is wonderlik."
"There are some lovely attractions in Dullstroom and very pleasant and helpful people."
"A vibrant town with lots of good food and things to do! Highly recommend a visit to Dullstroom. A wonderful small museum as well!"
"Ek ken Dullstroom van voor die ontwikkelinge as 'n klein dogtertjie wat by ouma-hulle op die plaas gaan kuier het. So om te sien hoe alles verander het is bittersoet. Maar ek gun almal die vooruitgang en werksgeleenthede."
"Daar is heelwat smullekker restaurante. (Heelwat maak vroeg toe saans, maar minstens twee was selfs saans oop, in die week boonop). As mens wil visvang of perdry gaan hierdie 'n ideale plek wees om te besoek. Of as mens net luilekker wil rus."
"Dullstroom is een van ons gunstelingdorpe vir langnaweke saam met familie of vriende."
"Venture off the main road and go to the Dullstroom Hotel for a beer and the Musuem is small but lovely. Take a drive to the Highland Gate Golf Estate and have a drink at the clubhouse, it's about 10 km from Dullstroom from where you turn into the Bird of Prey Centre. Attend a demonstration show at The Birds of Prey Centre, it was amazing! Anvil Brewery is a must for anyone who likes craft beer and they sell amazing coffee there as well."
"Such a lovely little town for those wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of the large cities."