Verified Reviews
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Calvinia
Rated 4.2 out of 5 based on 498 reviews.
"A visit to the museum, the largest in the Northern Cape. Highly recommended! The town has a rich Jewish history and the dedicated staff must be commended for their dedication to preserving the history of the area."
"Our stay in Calvinia exceeded all our expectations. We have fallen in love with Calvinia and are planning to undertake many more excursions there."
"Has an informative Histoical Museum. Good butchery and open spaces, and a good restaurant."
"It difficult to say. It would a good spot to view the flowers if accommodation in Nieuwoudtville is full."
"Baie potensiaal, maar die dorp is verwaarloos en heelwat pragtige, ou huise bouvallig en onversorg."
"Skoon dorpie met 'n heerlike atmosfeer. Heerlike skaapvleis. Sal beslis weer wil kom besoek."
"Ons het slegs daar oorgeslaap op pad huis toe. Maar daar was pragtige blomme op pad na Calvinia."
"This is really a place to consider if you want to stay over and have a peaceful experience"
"Die blomme was vanjaar tot in die dorp. Pragtige plek en sentraal vir rondom reis."