Verified Reviews
Betty's Bay
All reviews have been left by LekkeSlaap customers staying in Betty's Bay
Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 362 reviews.
"'n Rustige, klein dorpie tussen die berg en see. Ongelooflik mooi met wonderlike natuurlewe nog oral sigbaar."
"Daar is baie aktiwiteite in en om Bettysbaai. Dit is die perfekte omgewing om na 'n harde jaar te gaan rus en ontspan."
"Perfect for relaxing, however, not much to do in the area. Need to drive to surrounding areas for site seeing."
"Bettiesbaai is 'n pragtige dorpie. Nog baie onontwikkel, maar ons hou daarvan so. Die wind was net 'n bietjie erg die eerste 3 dae, maar verder het ons heerlik gesee, visgevang en net gerus. Ons kinders was by die Harold Porter-tuine en hul sê dit was pragtig. Die pikkewyne was net so kosbaar, veral die ou klein mensie het dit vreeslik geniet, sy wou net weer gaan. Ons sal graag weer wil gaan kuier op Bettiesbaai."
"Good to to see the new hub centre offering a nice dining spot, Koring n Kaf, if only for lunch."
"Baie sentraal naby Hermanus, Kleinmond en Hemel en Aarde wynroete. Daar is net nie werklik veel te doen op Bettysbaai nie. Geen winkel net die vulstasie met die nodige en so 3 eetplekke. Kleinmond is 10 minute se ry van daar af en Pringlebaai ook waar daar heerlike eetplekke en winkels is."
"Bettysbaai is absoluut fantasties as mens lief is vir natuur en rustigheid. Daar is nie veel om te doen anders as om see toe te gaan en rustig te sien en die natuurskoon in te neem nie, maar dit is so wonderlik vir wat dit is."
"Lots to do and see in the area. Stoney Rock, penguin site, beach, market. Nearby Kleinmond, Palmiet River, Kogelberg hiking trail. Explore, explore."
"A beautiful quaint location with rugged and untouched beauty. Safe, quiet, and tranquil and its close proximity to the sea makes the atmosphere and the breeze from the sea lend a most beautiful ambience to the entire experience that is Betty's Bay."
"The nature and scenery at Betty's Bay are amazing, and it's perfect for a chilled, relaxing weekend or an active hiking weekend if the weather is good. Unfortunately, there are only a few restaurants and they often close earlier than expected, but we were still happy with the food and service at Camelot. We would have also liked to see a local market perhaps, but the botanical garden was breathtaking, and the pottery studio was amazing too. Overall a beautiful, relaxing destination."
"Restaurants in and around were pleasant. Kleinmond was not too far away to visit."