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River Crossing Lodge


3.9/ 5

Based on 5 reviews


Value for money
Elsje K
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2024

Perfect for special occasions! Incredible view of Windhoek from River Crossing Lodge. Unit was spacious, comfortable, tidy with a lovely view from the shower and private patio (units 1-15). Units on the other side of the restaurant overlook the mountain, but there are also road improvements. The menu at the restaurant is limited, but the food is delicious. The deck with swimming pool is unique. Service was friendly.

Perfek vir spesiale geleenthede! Ongelooflike uitsig oor Windhoek vanuit River Crossing Lodge. Eenheid was ruim, gerieflik, netjies met 'n lieflike uitsig vanuit die stort en privaat stoepie (eenhede 1-15). Eenhede aan die ander kant van die restaurant kyk uit oor die berg, maar daar is ook padverbeterings. Die spyskaart by die restaurant is beperk, maar die kos is heerlik. Die kuierdek met swembad is uniek. Diens was vriendelik.

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Value for money
River Crossing Lodge

Thank you for your wonderful feedback, much appreciated.

Dankie vir jou wonderlike terugvoer, waardeer dit baie.

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Mr E
1 night stay Individual traveller
Dec 2021

In the bush, but so close to the city. The perfect spot to stay if you are travelling through Windhoek. WiFi great, food great, service perfect, rooms great. Excellent views of the City and the mountains just outside Windhoek. Lovely pool too.

Value for money

Jeannemarie P
Short stay With partner
Apr 2021

Too expensive for what you get. Reception was not very warm. Not all info is given. We checked in and then went to friends. When we got back we were looking forward to a hot shower but alas it was only cold water. There is a phone in the room but no directions of which number to contact. I googled and called. The lady said she was sending someone. 11 min later no one: call again. Oooh they thought it was another unit but didn't follow up. Then come again and some story of the gas flame being blown out by the wind. Next morning we complained to the manager who did not know the situation was not overlooked. They tried and offered to move us to another unit for the next night. Thank you very much, but it's quite an "inconvenience" because it's packed from the front. We moved our bags ourselves, new unit then had toilet problem again. They tried to sort it out but we still felt we did not receive value for money. We insisted on at least 50% refund on our first night's stay. They were willing but said we had to contact the website. Or we can get a 3-course meal for dinner for free. Because we didn't see a chance for admin, we accepted the 3-course meal. We ordered an additional bottle of wine and a starter platter that evening. The food is not fantastic. Meat was tough. Service acceptable but not 4 star quality. When we checked out they didn't even have the decency to write off the wine and platter as well. The value of our meal was not even close to the value of 50% of a night's stay. The rooms are simple, no mirror in the room: only bathroom, it's impractical. No hair dryer. Power wires are open and not even well sealed. Room was not well looked after. Curtain rails falling from the wall, bedclothes torn etc. The view is very nice and I get the idea that's what they rely on. The rest are not up to 3 star standard. Definitely not worth the price.

Te duur vir wat jy kry. Ontvangs was nie baie warm nie. Nie alle info is gegee nie. Ons het ingeboek en toe na vriende gegaan. Toe ons terugkom het ons uitgesien na 'n warm stort maar helaas was dit net koue water. Daar's 'n foon in die kamer maar geen aanwysings van watter nr om te kontak nie. Ekt' gegoogle en gebel. Die dame het gesê sy stuur iemand. 11 min later niemand: bel weer. Oooh hul het gedink dis ander eenheid maar het nie opgevolg nie. Kom toe weer en een of ander storie van die gasvlam wat deur die wind doodgewaai word. Volgende oggend het ons by die bestuurder gekla wat nie geweet het die situasie is nie oogelos nie. Hul het probeer en aangebied om ons na ander eenheid te skuif vir die volgende aand. Baie dankie, dis egter nogal 'n "inconvenience " want dis van voor tas pak. Ons het self ons tasse geskuif, nuwe eenheid het toe weer toiletprobleem gehad. Hul het probeer om dit uit te sorteer maar steeds het ons gevoel ons het nie waarde vir geld ontvang nie. Ons het aangedring tot ten minste 50% terugbetaling op ons eerste nag se verblyf. Hul was bereid maar het gesê ons moet webtuiste kontak. Of ons kan 'n 3-gangmaaltyd vir aandete gratis kry. Omdat ons nie kans gesien het vir admin nie het ons die 3-gangmaaltyd aanvaar. Ons het die aand 'n addisionele bottel wyn bestel en 'n starter platter. Die kos is nie fantasties nie. Vleis was taai. Diens aanvaarbaar maar nie 4-stergehalte nie. Toe ons uitcheck het hul nie eers die decency gahad om maar die wyn en platter ook af te skryf nie. Die waarde van ons ete was nie eers naby die waarde van 50% van 'n aand se verblyf nie. Die kamers is eenvoudig, geen spieël in die kamer nie: net badkamer, dis onprakties. Geen haardroër. Kragdrade is oop en nie eers goed geseël nie. Kamer is nie goed na gekyk nie. Gordynreelings val uit die muur, beddegoed geskeur ens. Die uitsig is baie mooi en ek kry die idee dis waarop hul staatmaak. Die res is nie op 3-sterstandaard nie. Definitief nie die prys werd nie.

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Value for money

Madri B
Short stay Individual traveller
Nov 2019

Comfortable. River Crossing Lodge is just what one needs, just close enough to the city but feels like a getaway. Many thanks for the staff's kindness, helpfulness and care. Very nice facilities, everything you need and staff go the extra mile. Thank you very much.

Gerieflik. River Crossing Lodge is net wat mens nodig het, net naby genoeg aan die stad, maar voel soos 'n wegbreek. Baie dankie vir die personeel se vriendelikheid, behulpsaamheid en omgee. Baie mooi geriewe, alles wat mens nodig het en personeel gaan die ekstra myl. Baie dankie.

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Value for money
River Crossing Lodge

Good day Madri, Thank you very much for your feedback, it was a pleasure to welcome you. Feel free to visit again.

Goeie dag Madri, Baie dankie vir u terugvoering, dit was n plesier om julle te onthaal. Kom kuier gerus weer.

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Alwyna F
1 night stay With partner
May 2018

So so. Staff were friendly and helpful. WiFi is power, DStv does not work, there is no smoking prohibited sign so guests can smoke wherever they want, including in the dining hall. I think there is a management problem. Rooms and dining room have a fantastic view.

So-so. Personeel was vriendelik en behulpsaam. WiFi is power, DStv werk nie, daar is geen rook verbode teken nie so gaste rook net waar hulle wil, ook in die eetsaal. Ek dink daar is 'n bestuursprobleem. Kamers en eetsaal het 'n fantastiese uitsig.

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Value for money
River Crossing Lodge

Dear P J, Thank you very much for your review and constructive comments. We will bring this matter under the owners attention. Smoking is prohibited inside and around the public areas. The Wi-Fi is only limited to the main area and not the rooms. If your DStv did not work in the room, you could have reported this to the reception and they would have been able to sort the problem. Kind regards, Frans

Beste P J, Baie dankie vir jou resensie en konstruktiewe kommentaar. Ons sal hierdie saak onder die eienaars se aandag bring. Rook is verbode binne en om die openbare areas. Die Wi-Fi is net beperk tot die hoofarea en nie die kamers nie. As jou DStv nie in die kamer gewerk het nie, kon jy dit by die ontvangs aangemeld het en hulle sou die probleem kon uitsorteer. Vriendelike groete, Frans

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Frans Verified

Properties 9

Reviews 57

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R 2 745
per night, for 2 ppl
R 2 745
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 60 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: PO Box 97448, Windhoek, 0000, Khomas
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDZlMWE1MzU5LWE0ZjctNDc3OC1iOTAyLTE2MmQ5NjIxMWY0MA?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R2 745 per night, for 2 ppl 5 5 1 4 PO Box 97448 Windhoek 0000 Khomas 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -22.602611 17.142632

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