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La Mer Guesthouse

Guest House


4/ 5

Based on 6 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Charmaine H
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Apr 2022

Hospitable, went out of their way to serve our breakfast earlier. Hospitable, would recommend.

Gasvry, het uit hulle pad gemaak om ons ontbyt vroeër te bedien. Gasvry, sal aanbeveel.

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Value for money
La Mer Guesthouse

Thank you so much for your review. We hope to see you again soon.

Baie dankie vir jou resensie. Ons hoop om jou binnekort weer te sien.

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Gavin A
1 night stay Family with teenagers
Dec 2022

Pleasent for an overnight stay. See stars.

Value for money

Rosa J
1 night stay With partner
Nov 2022

We did not feel welcome at all. We were in Port Elizabeth for business, we are from Johannesburg. My husband was on site daily, and I did admin for him but from our places of residence. Our first two nights we stayed at another wonderful place that was very hospitable and the management went out of their way for us. Unfortunately, we could not stay with them for a third night because they were fully booked. My husband had to be on site again on Sunday morning and I had to check out at the place at 10 o'clock, I looked for our other accommodation through the website and looked at quite a few places. I had another first choice but couldn't confirm my place right away so I looked at La Mer. Number 1, the room I chose was not the room we were sitting in, it was basically in their backyard. I was about 40 minutes into La Mer when my first choice spot confirmed they had a spot available for us. I asked if we could possibly move, although they understood my situation, the owner of La Mer was very unhelpful and said we would have to pay 100% cancellation (note) for 40 min check in. After I was very unhappy, and after I suggested that we would pay an admin fee because we wanted to move she refused, and then fakely "upgraded" us to a better unit (mind you) to the unit which I originally chose, and paid for. Please keep in mind, that after I chose La Mer, I had 1 hour to make payment otherwise I would miss the booking. So, there I had no choice. Long story short, I would not recommend La Mer in any way, their service is not hospitable at all, and they are not willing to listen at all, it was my worst experience there. I started calling around on Sunday night for other places to sleep, and the rules at most guest houses are that check-in is only after 2 and check-out by 10, I told my story to a wonderful hotel and they let us check in at 7 on Monday morning and we welcomed with a hot cup of coffee. Now that's what I call service! Also at half the price less. La Mer has no but no hospitality skills!

Ons het glad nie welkom gevoel nie. Ons was in Port Elizabeth vir besigheid, ons is van Johannesburg af. My man was daagliks op site, en ek het admin vir hom gedoen maar vanaf ons verblyfplekke af. Ons eerste twee aande het ons oorgebly by 'n ander, wonderlike plek wat baie gasvry was en die bestuur het uit hulle pad gegaan vir ons. Ongelukkig kon ons nie 'n 3de aand by hul aanbly nie want hul was toe volbespreek. My man moes Sondagoggend weer op site wees en ek moes 10 uur uitboek by die plek, ek het vir ons ander verblyf gesoek deur die webtuiste en na 'n hele paar plekke gekyk. Ek het 'n ander eerste keuse gehad, maar kon nie dadelik vir my plek bevestig het nie, so ek het toe na La Mer gekyk. Nommer 1, die kamer wat ek gekies het, was nie die kamer waarin ons gesit was nie, dit was basies in hulle agterplaas. Ek was omtrent 40 min ingeklok by La Mer toe my eerste keuse plek bevestig hulle het vir ons plek beskikbaar. Ek het gevra of ons moontlik kan skuif, alhoewel hulle my situasie verstaan het, was die eienaar van La Mer baie onbehulpsaam en het gesê ons sal moet 100% kansellasie betaal (let wel) vir 40 min se inklok. Nadat ek baie ongelukkig was, en na ek voorgestel het dat ons 'n adminfooi sal betaal omdat ons wil skuif het sy geweier, en het ons toe kamstig "ge-upgrade" na 'n beter eenheid toe (let wel) na die eenheid toe wat ek oorspronklik gekies het, en voor betaal het. Hou asb. in gedagte, dat nadat ek La Mer gekies het, het ek 1 uur gehad om betaling te maak anders sou ek die booking mis. So, daar het ek geen keuse gehad nie. Lang storie kort, is dat ek geensins vir La Mer sal aanbeveel nie, hulle diens is glad nie gasvry nie, en hulle is glad nie bereid om te luister nie, dit was my aakligste ondervinding daar. Ek het Sondagaand begin rondbel vir ander slaapplek, en die reëls is by meeste gastehuise dat inklok eers na 2 is en uitklok teen 10 uur, ek het my storie vertel aan 'n wonderlike hotel en hulle het ons Maandagoggend al 7 uur laat inklok en ons verwelkom met 'n warm koppie koffie. Dit is nou wat ek diens noem! Ook teen helfte van die prys minder. La Mer het geen, maar geen gasvryheid-skills nie!

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Value for money
La Mer Guesthouse

Good day The room you chose was the room we had ready for you with check-in. Because you were a first-time guest we wanted to keep you happy as a guest and wanted to meet your needs and make sure that we accommodate you to the best of our ability. We decided to upgrade you from a double room you booked online to one of our delux rooms with the same rate as the double room. No extra charges. I do believe that we tried our best to accommodate you. Hopefully, we do hope that you would consider booking through us again. Kind regards

Goeie dag Die kamer wat jy gekies het was die kamer wat ons gereed gehad het vir jou met inklok. Omdat jy 'n eerstekeer gas was, wou ons jou gelukkig hou as 'n gas en wou aan jou behoeftes voldoen en seker maak dat ons jou na die beste van ons vermoë akkommodeer. Ons het besluit om jou op te gradeer van 'n dubbelkamer wat jy aanlyn bespreek het na een van ons luukse kamers teen dieselfde tarief as die dubbelkamer. Geen ekstra kostes nie. Ek glo wel dat ons ons bes probeer het om jou te akkommodeer. Hopelik hoop ons dat jy dit sal oorweeg om weer deur ons te bespreek. Vriendelike groete

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Neville B
Short stay With partner
Dec 2021

Very nice. Staff are very friendly and helpful. Owners just so friendly and helpful. Very clean, the food served is of very good quality. Will visit again anytime.

Baie lekker. Personeel is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Eienaars net so vriendelik en behulpsaam. Baie skoon, die kos wat bedien word is van baie goeie gehalte. Sal enige tyd weer besoek aflê.

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Value for money
La Mer Guesthouse

Good Day Sir Thank you for your review, We hope to see you and your family in the near future. Thank you for staying at Lamer Guesthouse. Lamer Team

Goeie dag meneer Dankie vir jou resensie, ons hoop om jou en jou gesin in die nabye toekoms te sien. Dankie dat jy by Lamer Gastehuis gebly het. Lamer span

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Sikelelwa M
Short stay With partner
Oct 2019

We had such a lovely stay. Such great hospitality, the food was very nice.

Value for money
La Mer Guesthouse

Good day, Thank very much for the positive review. We look forward to your next visit to our guesthouse. Thank you La Mer Team

Good day, Thank very much for the positive review. We look forward to your next visit to our guesthouse. Thank you La Mer Team

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Frederika V
1 night stay With friends
Mar 2018

Good service and very friendly. Recommended for overnight stays at home.

Diens goed en baie vriendelik. Word aanbeveel vir oornag tuiste.

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Value for money
La Mer Guesthouse

Good day Thank you very much for the positive feedback. We hope to welcome you again at our Guest House. Regards, La Mer team.

Goeiedag Baie dankie vir die positiewe terugvoer. Ons hoop om u weer by ons Gastehuis te verwelkom. Groete, La Mer span.

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Suzaan Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 6

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R 1 510
per night, for 2 ppl
R 1 510
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 36 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 24 Driftsands Drive, Humewood, Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth), 6013, Eastern Cape
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDYzMTVmZWUzLTRmNTItNGZlOC1hMWI1LTBlZDYwZmJkNzRiYQ?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 510 per night, for 2 ppl 6 5 1 4 24 Driftsands Drive Humewood 6013 Eastern Cape 021 201 8901 14:00-23:00 10:00 -33.97663 25.63646

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