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2 Guests

Bushman's Rock Country Lodge


4.1/ 5

Based on 36 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Helma H
Short stay With friends
Mar 2024

Definitely see me again! For a place to just get away for a day or so, it's lovely! Calm and quiet. The spa was stunning with excellent service!

Sien my beslis weer! Vir 'n plekkie om net weg te breek vir 'n dag of wat, is dit heerlik! Rustig en stil. Die spa was asemrowend met uitstekende diens!

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you very much for your positive feedback. We really appreciate it. We hope to accommodate you again in the near future. Regards, Maggie

Goeie dag, Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoering. Ons waardeer dit opreg. Ons hoop om julle weer in die naby toekoms te akkommodeer. Groete, Maggie

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Elize L
Short stay With friends
Mar 2024

Had a great time and service was out of the books. You guys are great! We had a very nice stay. Unit was nice clean and tidy. Staff from the cleaners to the waiters/barman/chef were very friendly. Service and the food were excellent and place very nice and tidy. Received very good service. Will definitely recommend.

Het lekker gekuier en diens was uit die boeke. Julle is tops! Ons het baie lekker gebly. Eenheid was mooi skoon en netjies. Personeel van die skoonmakers tot die waiters/barman/chef was baie vriendelik. Diens en die kos was uitstekend en plek baie mooi en netjies. Baie goeie diens gekry. Sal definitief aanbeveel.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you very much for your positive feedback. We hope to see you again soon. Friendly greeting, Maggie at Bushmans Rock

Goeie dag, Baie dankie vir u positiewe terugvoering. Ons hoop om julle gou weer te sien. Vriendelike groete, Maggie by Bushmans Rock

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Lizel N
1 night stay With partner
Jul 2024

Only stayed 1 night. Will stay there again. Unit was very neat. Only negative is the low toilets in the unit (no 25). Difficult for persons with hip problems. But otherwise perfect. Next had breakfast at the restaurant. It was delicious.

Net 1 nag oor gebly. Sal weer daar oornag. Eenheid was baie netjies. Enigste negatief is die lae toilette in die eenheid (nr 25). Moeilik vir persone met heup probleme. Maar verder perfek. Het volgende ontbyt genuttig by die restaurant. Dit was heerlik.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you very much for your positive feedback. We hope to welcome you back again soon. Friendly greeting, Maggie

Goeie dag, Baie dankie vir jou positiewe terugvoering. Ons hoop om jou gou weer terug te verwelkom. Vriendelike groete, Maggie

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Henrieet J
Short stay Individual traveller
Mar 2024

Very nice break away. Place is very clean and comfortable. All the staff are very friendly.

Baie lekker wegbreek. Plek is baie skoon en gerieflik. Al die personeel is baie vriendelik.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you very much for your feedback. We are glad that you enjoyed it with us and hope to host you again in the near future. Friendly greeting, Maggie

Goeie dag, Baie dankie vir jou terugvoering. Ons is bly dat julle dit geniet het by ons en hoop om julle weer in die naby toekoms te huisves. Vriendelike groete, Maggie

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Bonne O
1 night stay With partner
Nov 2024

Good experience. Everyone was really friendly and it was a really great experience. Restaurant food was average, so we regretted not using the braai facilities. The shower could use a good scrub, but everything else was super clean.

Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge
Good day, Thank you for your valuable feedback. We scrub the showers, but we have a problem with a very high percentage of lime in the water, which causes the showers to look stained. We have tried strong chemicals, but that resulted in the tiles turning green. Kind regards, Maggie at reception

Estie B
1 night stay With partner
Nov 2023

Very nice place. Wetkers are very friendly and helpful. It was very nice, a bit of a struggle with the power.

Baie mooi plek. Wetkers is baie vriendelik en behulpsaam. Dit was baie lekker, bietjie gesukkel met die krag.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you very much for your valued feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience you had during your stay. We have been struggling with electricity lately because a transmitter on one of the poles at the Lodge had to be replaced by the Municipality. Fortunately, everything is now back to normal. We hope to accommodate you again in the New Year. May you have a wonderful festive season and a happy New Year. Friendly greeting, Maggie Bushman's Rock

Goeie dag, Baie dankie vir u gewaardeerde terugvoer. Ons vra omverskoning oor die ongerief wat julle gehad het tydens julle verblyf. Ons het die laaste tyd gesukkel met elektrisiteit want 'n transmitor op een van die pale by die Lodge, moes vervang geword het deur die Munisipaliteit. Alles is gelukkig nou weer terug na normaal toe. Ons hoop om julle weer in die Nuwe Jaar te akkommodeer. Mag julle 'n wonderlike fees seisoen en 'n gelukkige Nuwe Jaar hê. Vriendelike groete, Maggie Bushmans Rock

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Yolanda A
1 night stay Large group
Sep 2023

Not satisfied at all for what I paid. The one room I booked especially for me and my husband was the Private Junior "hotel room", R1600 for the evening. Our room did not look at all as advertised in the photos, there was only a shower and not a bath as in the photo, our room was much smaller than the photo shows it to be. There is not a braais stoep as they say, it was a small stoep with only a small table and 2 chairs. The pool is not private as they say, there was a pool shared with other rooms. The safe was not bolted at all, it stood loose in the cupboard. There weren't 2 Lazyboy chairs like in the photo and no living room at all like they say, it was just a couch that basically looks like in the Junior Suite's photos, and honestly I think if I go to the Junior Suite looking at the room's photos is where they pushed us in, but we paid more for a Private Junior Suite which we didn't get. When we arrived at reception no one told us that there was WiFi, the lady who only came on duty at 12 o'clock was also not very friendly and didn't seem much like she was in the mood to help everyone. Even though I was early, I arranged months before our check-in to be able to come a little earlier because we were all there for a wedding, and they said that they could help us at 12h30, but you could tell from the lady at reception that she was not happy that we were so early. Bushman's Rock Country Lodge also cannot serve a large group of people in their restaurant. We ordered breakfast, half of our group had finished eating while others were still waiting for their food. Some of our food was not right. The one breakfast I ordered with eggs, bacon, onions, mince and hash brown was incomplete, there was no hash brown and I'm still waiting for the mince that was supposed to come with the breakfast. If you order a second soft drink you wait 30 minutes+, and then they forget anyway after 30 min and you have to order again. I had to walk myself to collect tomato sauce and other sauces from the other tables for our group because they didn't even bring them.

Glad nie tevrede vir wat ek betaal het nie. Die een kamer wat ek spesiaal vir my en my man geboek het was die Private Junior "hotelkamer", R1600 vir die aand. Ons kamer het glad nie gelyk soos adverteer op die foto's nie, daar was net 'n stort en nie 'n bad soos in die foto nie, ons kamer was baie kleiner as wat die foto wys dit moet wees. Daar is nie 'n braaistoep soos hul sê nie, dit was 'n klein stoep met net 'n klein tafel en 2 stoele. Die swembad is nie privaat soos hul sê nie, daar was 'n swembad wat gedeel word met ander kamers. Die kluis was glad nie vasgebout nie, hy het los gestaan in die kas. Daar was nie 2 Lazyboy-stoele soos in die foto nie en glad nie 'n sitkamer soos hul sê nie, dit was net 'n bank wat basies lyk soos in die Junior Suite se foto's, en eerlik ek dink as ek na die Junior Suite kamer se foto's kyk is dit waar hul ons ingedruk het, maar ons het meer betaal vir 'n Private Junior Suite wat ons nie gekry het nie. Met ons aankoms by ontvangs het niemand vir ons gesê dat daar WiFi is nie, die dame wat net aan diens gekom het 12 uur was ook nie baie vriendelik nie en het nie veel gelyk of sy lus was om almal te help nie. Al was ek vroeg, ek het maande voor ons inklok gereël om bietjie vroeër te kan kom omdat ons almal daar was vir 'n troue, en hul het gesê dat hul ons kan help 12h30, maar mens kon op die dame by ontvangs sien sy is nie gelukkig dat ons so vroeg was nie. Bushman's Rock Country Lodge kan ook nie 'n groot groep mense bedien in hul restaurant nie. Ons het ontbyt bestel, helfte van ons groep het al klaar geëet terwyl ander nog vir hul kos wag. Van ons se kos was nie reg nie. Die een ontbyt wat ek bestel het met eiers, spek, uie, maalvleis en hashbrown was onvolledig, daar was nie hashbrown nie en ek wag nou nog vir die maalvleis wat saam met die ontbyt moes kom. As jy 'n tweede koeldrank bestel wag jy 30 minute+, en dan vergeet hul in elk geval na 30 min en jy moet weer bestel. Ek moes self loop om vir ons groep tamatiesous en ander souse van die ander tafels te gaan afhaal want hul het dit nie eers gebring nie.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you very much for your valued feedback. You were part of 3 x wedding groups that checked in that day. We were under tremendous pressure to clock everyone in early as our clock out time is 10:00 and we were full the next night. Chantelle Serfontein, the bride of the group you were part of, has already booked room 1 (the slightly larger room with the bath). So we could accommodate you in the second Private Deluxe unit with the shower. With the Confirmation, I confirmed to you on the email that the Private Deluxe gives more privacy, not just privacy. There are only 2 units in this room type, and the rooms are further from the main blocks. I apologize profusely if I seemed under pressure when you checked in. As I already mentioned, yes, there was a lot of pressure on me as the only person at reception to inspect all the rooms and check in by 12:30. Our usual clock in time is 14:00, but as a favor to the wedding groups, I did my best to check in the guests by 12:30 to 13:00 at the last, because I understand that you have to get ready. You came in at 11:50 in the morning and I was then on my way to clock your room, which I did first. When I came back from the room blocks, Security had already shown you to the room, so I didn't have a chance to pass on all the necessary information. You were more than welcome to call and ask, because I was in the office until 4:30 p.m I will forward the restaurant service complaint to the owners. Friendly greeting, Maggie Bushman's Rock

Goeie dag, Baie dankie vir u gewaardeerde terugvoer. Julle was deel van 3 x trou groepe wat ingeklok het daardie dag. Ons was geweldig onder druk om almal vroeg in te klok, aangesien ons klok uit tyd 10:00 is en ons vol was die volgende aand. Chantelle Serfontein die bruid van die groep waarvan julle deel was, het reeds kamer 1 bespreek (die kamer wat effens groter is met die bad). Dus kon ons julle akkommodeer in die tweede Private Deluxe eenheid met die stort. Met die Konfirmasie het ek vir julle op die e-pos bevestig dat die Private Deluxe meer privaatheid gee, nie alleen privaatheid nie. Daar is net 2 eenhede in hierdie kamer tipe, en die kamers is verder van die hoof blokke. Ek vra groot omverskoning indien ek onder druk gelyk het toe julle inklok. Soos ek reeds genoem het, ja, daar was erge druk op my as die enigste persoon by ontvangs om al die kamers te inspekteer en in te klok teen 12:30. Ons gewone klok in tyd is 14:00, maar ek het my bes gedoen om as 'n guns aan die trou groepe die gaste teen 12:30 to 13:00 op die laaste in te check, omdat ek verstaan dat julle moet regmaak. Julle het 11:50 ingekom die oggend en ek was toe op pad om julle kamer te klok, wat ek eerste gedoen het. Toe ek terug kom van die kamer blokke af, het Sekuriteit julle toe reeds na die kamer gewys, dus het ek nie 'n kans gehad om al die noodsaaklike inligting deur te gee nie. Julle was meer as welkom om te bel en te vra, want ek was in die kantoor tot en met 16:30 Ek sal die Restaurant klagte oor diens deurgee vir die eienaars. Vriendelike groete, Maggie Bushmans Rock

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Marcel N
Short stay With partner
Oct 2022

Neat place with restaurant. Lots of options on the menu. Enjoyed a lot. Will visit again. Clean and tidy place to stay. Great restaurant.

Netjiese plek met restaurant. Baie opsies op menu. Baie geniet. Sal weer besoek. Skoon en netjiese blyplek. Super restaurant.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you very much for your valued feedback. We hope to accommodate you again in the New Year. All the best for the rest of 2023 and may you have a wonderful 2024. Friendly greeting,

Goeie dag, Baie dankie vir jou gewaardeerde terugvoer. Ons hoop om julle weer in die Nuwe Jaar te akkommodeer. Alles van die beste vir die res van 2023 en mag julle 'n wonderlike 2024 hê. Vriendelike groete,

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Marie A
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2022

Was nice. Neat, there was shampoo, but no conditioner. Other than that it was perfect.

Was lekker. Netjies, daar was sjampoe, maar nie conditioner. Verder als was perfek.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, Thank you for your valued feedback. We hope to host you again in the near future. Kind regards, Maggie Roberts Bushmans Rock

Goeie dag, Dankie vir jou gewaardeerde terugvoer. Ons hoop om jou in die nabye toekoms weer te huisves. Vriendelike groete, Maggie Roberts Boesmans Rock

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Willem B
1 night stay Large group
Aug 2022

Restaurant excellent. Hot water in room for 2 days cold. Air conditioner of neighboring rooms terribly noisy.

Restourant uitstekend. Warm water in kamer vir 2 dae koud. Lugversorger van buurkamers vreeslik lawaai.

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Value for money
Bushman's Rock Country Lodge

Good day, thank you for your feedback. Just to let you know that our geyser burst during your stay with us, but we soon replaced it. Currently all the geysers are working and we do room checks every day to make sure that everything in the rooms and on the premises is in good working order. We hope to see you again soon. Regards. Maggie Roberts

Goeiedag, dankie vir u terugvoering. Net om te laat weet dat ons geyser gedurende die tyd wat u by ons gebly het gebars het, maar ons het dit gou weer vervang. Huidiglik werk al die geysers en ons doen elke dag kamer checks om seker te maak dat alles in die kamers en op die perseel in goeie werkende orde is. Ons hoop om julle gou weer by ons te sien. Groete. Maggie Roberts

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Leriche Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 36

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R 1 700
per night (sleeps 2)
R 1 700
per night (sleeps 2)
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 62 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 23:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 570 Wewer Street, Kameeldrift East, Pretoria, 0035, Gauteng
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA3f231ee436571ceb1bb1f50647ccf13526f06c493a6cb728ec9994811bbcfc53eec36a7cf42431a8c4a315d734a1db168d77?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 700 per night (sleeps 2) 36 5 1 5 570 Wewer Street Kameeldrift East 0035 Gauteng 021 201 8901 14:00-23:00 10:00 -25.655799612311 28.30914199345

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