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Vaal De Vue Guest House

Guest House


4.5/ 5

Based on 64 reviews


Value for money
Marlein G
Short stay Family with teenagers
Nov 2024

Great place with great customer service. Most beautiful place with beautiful decor. Rooms are spacious and beds sleep too well! Hostess is fantastic, service is great. Food is top notch. Thank you so much for a wonderful 3 days with you. We will visit you again!

Fantastiese plek met puik kliëntediens. Mooiste plek met pragtige dekor. Kamers is ruim en beddens slaap te lekker! Gasvrou is fantasties, diens is puik. Kos is uit die boonste rakke. So baie dankie vir 'n wonderlike 3 dae by julle. Ons sal weer julle besoek!

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Value for money

Francois N
1 night stay Individual traveller
Nov 2024

Delicious, relaxing. My first choice for staying in Christiana.

Heerlik, ontspannend. My eerste keuse vir oorbly in Christiana.

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Value for money

Jaco M
1 night stay On business
May 2024

Quiet, neat. Very nice stay and the fact that there is a restaurant on site makes it a gem.

Rustig, netjies. Baie lekker gebly en die feit dat daar 'n restaurant op die perseel is, maak dit 'n juweel.

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Value for money

Ninon S
1 night stay With partner
Mar 2025

Ideal place to stay. Very clean and safe. Restaurant on site also a plus. Nice, neat accommodation.

Ideale oornagplek. Baie skoon en veilig. Restaurant op perseel ook 'n pluspunt. Mooi, netjiese verblyf.

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Value for money
Vaal De Vue Guest House

Thank you very much for the visit. It was a privilege for us. Have a blessed day.

Baie dankie vir die besoek. Was 'n voorreg vir ons. Geseënde dag.

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Chantal D
1 night stay With partner
May 2024

Welcomed with warm smiles and willing hearts. The manager bent over backwards to accommodate us as vegetarians. All the staff were helpful and friendly. The accommodation was clean and fresh and ready for us on arrival.

Value for money
Vaal De Vue Guest House

Good morning, Chantal. We are so pleased with your feedback and highly appreciate it. We hope to see you again! With lots of smiles, the Vaal De Vue team.

Goeiemôre, Chantal. Ons is so bly met jou terugvoer en waardeer dit baie. Ons hoop om jou weer te sien! Met baie glimlagte, die Vaal De Vue-span.

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Anonymous Guest
1 night stay With partner
Jun 2024

Value for money
Vaal De Vue Guest House
Goeie middag Baie dankie vir jou terugvoering, ons sal beslis daarna kyk. Baie dankie dat jy ons besoek het. Vriendelike groete, Ansie

Dolf D
1 night stay With partner
Feb 2024

Overnight stay was pleasant and safe. Yes, friendly reception and services. Nice clean and modern rooms as well as a pleasant atmosphere in the restaurant. Secure parking.

Oornag verblyf was aangenaam en veilig. Ja, vriendelike ontvangs en dienste. Mooi skoon en moderne kamers asook 'n aangename atmosfeer in die restaurant. Veilige parkering.

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Value for money
Vaal De Vue Guest House

Good morning Dolf, Thank you very much for your reservation at Vaal de Vue Guest House. We hope to see you again soon. blessed day Regards, Charlene

Goeie more Dolf, Baie dankie vir jou bespreking by Vaal de Vue Gastehuis. Ons hoop ons sien jou gou weer. Geseënde dag. Groete, Charlene

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Elle E
1 night stay On business
Jan 2024

Expensive River Road Rest. The staff are very pleasant and accommodating. The room is nice; however, only one packet of tea and one packet of instant coffee is offered in the room with powdered creamer instead of milk, with no other drinks or meals included in the room rate, which is unusual considering the R980+ per night charged. There is no fan, no airflow, and no bug screens, which are also pretty normal here, and that is disappointing and not very practical. There is A/C, although it is not great to sleep with that on all night. There is only one way in and out of the room and only one way in and out of the property, so if there is a fire or anything, it will be a problem. That said, it also seems to be the norm here in South Africa. After the recent disaster in Johannesburg, I am surprised that more multi-dwelling owners haven't reconsidered this. When there is load shedding, there is also no hot water, which they need to communicate to foreign travellers like me because I wasn't aware that was also an issue - it is the first time for me to have to deal with this in the three years I have been travelling here, so it was rather unfortunate that I was unable to enjoy the lovely bathtub. Instead, I had a cold water bucket bath. It would be good to indicate or show in photos that the bathtub has no shower feature attached because that was also surprising for me. I am not a fan of sitting in soup, and so I like to shower off the dirt and sweat of the road before the bath, which is not possible. There are far too many cushions in my opinion; it looks nice in photos, but there is no place to put them if you actually want to use the chairs and the bed, as well as the desk and the drawers. The Wi-Fi does not reach the rooms very well, which can be helped by a booster. I ended up having to stand in the rain in the garden in order to get my work emails sent. It is likely fine in the restaurant which was closed, unfortunately for me. The pool is just for a plunge, not for a swim. I was pleasantly surprised to find decent coffee, good food, and a nice verandah at the restaurant on site, along with gorgeous views of the river at sunset.

Value for money
Vaal De Vue Guest House

Good day. Thank you very much for your review. I would like to point out that the coffee was not ordinary instant coffee but a very good quality coffee. There is only one package per guest per night. You were more than welcome to purchase should you deem it necessary. There is a coffee creamer in the package. If you needed fresh milk, you could have bought it and put it in the fridge overnight. There was complimentary water and sherry in your fridge in your unit. When you booked it was brought to your attention that it does not include meals, but that there is a restaurant on the premises. Please make sure next time wherever you book that you make sure what your needs are. There is a free container of Peaceful sleep in each room should you deem it necessary. Regarding the air conditioning. You are the first guest to complain about the air conditioner. However, you are wrong about your statement about only one exit and entrance. There are 2 entrances. One in front and one in back. However, your room only has a front door. show me please a guest house or hotel room with a front and a back door. There is a solar power system and you had 24 hour water and power. About the pillows on the bed, there is plenty of space to place them in the room. You are also the first guest to complain about the W-Fi. The pool is there to cool you off. There is a wide Vaal River right in front of the guest house. Sorry, but I see you are satisfied with very little and we do everything possible to offer 5 star service and facilities to our guests.

Goeie dag. Baie dankie vir jou resensie. Graag wys ek jou daarop dat die koffie nie gewone kits koffie was nie maar wel 'n baie goeie kwaliteit koffie. Daar is wel net een pakkie per gas per nag. Jy was meer as welkom om aan te koop sou jy dit nodig ag. Daar is wel 'n koffieverromer in die pakkie. Indien jy vars melk benodig het kon jy dit aangekoop het en in die yskas gesit het oornag. Daar was wel in jou yskas n komplimentêre water en sjerrie in jou eenheid. Toe jy bespreek het was dit onder jou aandag gebring dat dit geen etes insluit, maar dat daar wel n restaurant op die perseel is. Maak asb. doodseker volgende keer waar jy ookal bespreek dat jy seker maak wat jou behoeftes is. Daar is wel in elke kamer n gratis houer Peaceful sleep sou jy dit nodig ag. T.o.v. die lugreëling. Jy is die eerste gas wat kla oor die lugversorger. Jy is egter verkeerd oor jou uitlating oor slegs een uit en ingang. Daar is 2 ingange. Een voor en een agter. Jou kamer het egter net n voordeur. Wys my asb. n gastehuis of hotelkamer met n voor en n agterdeur. Daar is n sonkragstelsel en jy het 24 uur water en krag gehad. Oor die kussings op die bed, daar is baie plek om hul te plaas in die kamer. Jy is ook die eerste gas wat kla oor die W-Fi. Die swembad is daar om jou af te koel. Daar is n bree Vaalrivier reg voor die gastehuis. Jammer, maar ek sien jy is met bitter min tevrede en ons doen alles moontlik om 5 ster diens en geriewe aan ons gaste te bied.

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Ja B
1 night stay With friends
Nov 2024

Not pleasant at all. Power and water problems, the kitchen was terribly dirty and the smell disgusting. We decided not to have breakfast for health reasons.

Glad nie aangenaam nie. Krag en waterprobleme, die kombuis was verskriklik vuil en die reuk walglik. Ons het besluit om nie ontbyt te eet nie vir gesondheidsredes.

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Value for money
Vaal De Vue Guest House

good morning, I am very sorry for the experience you had and I appreciate your understanding. I suspect the smell you noticed is coming from the drain and sometimes blowing off the road, which is out of our control. We have the drains checked regularly to make sure everything is in order, but I understand that this is not ideal and apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. However, I will also follow up with my kitchen as to why the kitchen was not cleaned immediately, especially not on Sunday after breakfast. I can confirm that our restaurant is regularly visited by labor inspectors and health inspectors, and we comply with all regulations. There was litter behind the building after the market day on Saturday, which was held in aid of our local animal protection, and we will make sure it doesn't happen again. I hope we can solve the problem soon and that you will see that we are taking steps to improve the situation. Again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your patience and understanding in this regard. Greetings, (Manager)

Goeie more, Ek is baie jammer oor die ervaring wat u gehad het en ek waardeer u begrip. Ek vermoed die reuk wat u opgemerk het, kom van die drein en waai soms van die pad af, wat buite ons beheer is. Ons laat die dreine gereeld na gaan om seker te maak alles is in orde, maar ek verstaan dat dit nie ideaal is nie en vra om verskoning vir die ongemak wat dit veroorsaak het. Ek sal egter ook met my kombuis opvolg waarom die kombuis nie dadelik skoongemaak is nie, veral nie Sondag na ontbyt nie. Ek kan bevestig dat ons restaurant gereeld deur arbeidsinspekteurs en gesondheidsinspekteurs besoek word, en ons voldoen aan alle regulasies. Daar was wel vullis agter die gebou na die markdag op Saterdag, wat gehou is ten bate van ons plaaslike diere-beskerming, en ons sal sorg dat dit nie weer gebeur nie. Ek hoop ons kan die probleem binnekort oplos en dat u sal sien dat ons stappe neem om die situasie te verbeter. Weereens, ek is baie jammer vir enige ongemak wat dit veroorsaak het en waardeer u geduld en begrip in hierdie verband. Groete, (Bestuurder)

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Gary W
1 night stay With partner
Aug 2023

Absolutely fantastic. We were helped immediately upon arrival and received a very warm welcome. The staff were very friendly and helpful and made us feel very comfortable. The room was very tastefully furnished and the premises very neat and clean. We especially liked the beautiful view over the river and park.

Absoluut fantasties. Ons is dadelik gehelp met aankoms en is baie warm ontvang. Die personeel was baie vriendelik en behulpsaam en het ons baie gemaklik laat voel. Die kamer was baie smaakvol gemeubeleer en die perseel baie netjies en skoon. Ons het veral gehou van die mooi uitsig oor die rivier en park.

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Value for money
Vaal De Vue Guest House

Thank you very much for the nice message. We appreciate the support. We hope to see you again. Please travel safely.

Baie dankie vir die mooi boodskap. Ons waardeer die ondersteuning. Ons hoop om jul weer te sien. Reis asb veilig.

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Marie-Louise Verified

Properties 2

Reviews 76

On LekkeSlaap 7 years

From R 1 590
per night, for 2 ppl
R 1 590
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 16 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 15:00 to 21:00
    Check-out: 09:00
  • Address: 4B River Street, Christiana, 2680, North West
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJDQ1ZDVhZGQ5LTJmYzItNDg4OS1iMWViLTgwYWUzODdhYjkzNQ?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 590 per night, for 2 ppl 64 5 1 5 4B River Street Christiana 2680 North West 021 201 8901 15:00-21:00 09:00 -27.913544725662 25.175279087164

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