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Lincoln Cottages Libertas and 20 on Thorpe

Self Catering


2.6/ 5

Based on 1 review

Value for money
Soenel N
Short stay With friends
Jun 2024

Only suitable for couple. Accommodation was comfortable but did not meet my expectations. The description of the Lincoln Cottages Libertas and 20 on Thorpe unit is cottage with sleeping accommodation for 3 adults or 2 parents with 2 small children. It is stated that there is a king size bed with 2 single beds. We were 2 adults but not life partners. However, there is only a king-size bed, so we had to share the bed. The unit is therefore falsely advertised. Furthermore, the parking facilities are limited for the number of stays. The morning when I had to leave early, I first had to scurry around looking for help to ask the other residents to move their vehicles so I could drive out. There were also initially sharp old food smells that filled the apartment. The boiler, switches and kitchen are greasy and together with the smell overshadows the positive aspects of the stay. Furthermore, there is also Open View and not DSTV as mentioned in the description of the rooms.

Slegs geskik vir egpaar. Verblyf was gerieflik, maar het nie aan my verwagtinge voldoen nie. Die beskrywing van die Lincoln Cottages Libertas and 20 on Thorpe eenheid is kothuis met slaapplek vir 3 volwassenes of 2 ouers met 2 klein kinders. Daar word gemeld dat daar 'n koninggrootte bed is met 2 enkelbeddens. Ons was 2 volwassenes maar is nie lewensmaats nie. Daar is egter slegs 'n koninggrootte bed en moes ons dus die bed deel. Die eenheid word dus vals geadverteer. Verder is die parkeergeriewe beperk vir die aantal verblyf. Die oggend toe ek vroeg moes vertrek, moes ek eers rondskarrel opsoek na hulp om van die ander inwoners te vra om hulle voertuie te skuif sodat ek uit kon ry. Daar was ook aanvanklik skerp ou kosreuke wat die woonstel vol gehang het. Die ketel, skakelaars en kombuis is vetterig en saam met die reuk oorskadu die positiewe van die verblyf. Verder is daar ook Open View en nie DSTV soos genoem in die beskrywing van die kamers.

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Monica Verified

Properties 4

Reviews 18

On LekkeSlaap 12 years

From R 1 020
per night, for 2 ppl
R 1 020
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 7 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: 20 Grimthorpe Avenue, Lincoln Meade, Pietermaritzburg,, 3201, KwaZulu-Natal
  • TGCSA rating:
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA7f157220d5e992bb6e0888fde87ecabe00c6cb856bd5af9b196f45743977a9af6e4163c4f2ebccb9fbcd52d71620df1c18f3?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 020 per night, for 2 ppl 1 5 1 3 20 Grimthorpe Avenue Lincoln Meade 3201 KwaZulu-Natal 021 201 8901 14:00-19:00 10:00 -29.621751568819 30.430468458567

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