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2 Guests

Limpokwena Nature Reserve

Game Lodge


4/ 5

Based on 7 reviews

Very Good

Value for money
Steven W
Short stay With partner
Jul 2019

Very peaceful area. Felt welcome and safe. Kindly received during our arrival and offered to help us unpack. Our accommodation was been pointed out to us and we were informed that we can enquire at any time if we need or need anything. Rich bird life and very peaceful environment. Cottage is cleaned every day and our fire was made for us every night. Staff are quiet at night and you can hear the silence. Just what we needed after the hustle and bustle of a busy life. Will go back again. We really enjoyed the fact that the reserve is so remote and comfortable. The reserve is for nature lovers and not for pleasure seekers.

Baie rustige omgewing. Het baie welkom en veilig gevoel. Vriendelik ontvang tydens ons aankoms en aangebied om ons te help afpak. Ons blyplek is aan ons uitgewys en ons is ingelig dat ons enige tyd kan kom aanklop indien ons enigiets benodig of wil weet. Ryk voëllewe en baie rustige omgewing. Huisie word elke dag skoongemaak en ons vuur is elke aand vir ons gemaak. Personeel is vroeg-aand doodstil en jy kan die stilte hoor. Net wat ons nodig gehad het na die gewoel van 'n besige lewe. Sal weer teruggaan. Ons het dit baie geniet dat die reservaat so afgeleë is en het lekker gerus. Die reservaat is vir die natuurliefhebber en nie vir 'n plesiersoeker nie.

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Value for money

Ria M
Short stay With partner
Jan 2019

Was not a good experience. After arriving there on Friday, the power went out after about 15 minutes. Apparently Eskom's problem. It went on and off twice and the third time completely off, then the manager sent his child to come and tell us the power was off. It was assumed that it was beyond their control. Fortunately, we had 2 small lights to light the evening. They have no generators for backup power or nothing. Manager never returned to us the night to ask if everything was okay. Next morning still power off. My husband approached the driver and he just said he didn't know when it would be right. We then had meat in a fridge that didn't work, the next morning when my husband confronted him he said no you could arrange for us a generator for the fridge. It was just me and my husband and they put us in the Family Cottage that sleeps 8 people where all the other chalets are empty. It was very hot and the enormous place just didn't cool down. There are also no facilities to eg. on a fire to boil water for coffee. Management also offered nothing. I think they stay there permanently as they must have power in their home in a way because they also need fresh produce to be kept in a refrigerator (it's very far from a village). We then decided to leave on the Saturday morning and not stay our 2nd booked and paid night. In the process we had meat that got bad because of the heat and we couldn't keep it cold enough. The manager said he would see if he could get our money back. I didn't bargain on that.

Nie 'n goeie ervaring gewees nie. Na ons die Vrydag daar aangekom het, was die krag seker vir ongeveer 15 minute aan toe gaan dit af. Blykbaar probleem met Eskom. Dit het 2 keer af en weer aangegaan en die derde keer heeltemal af, toe stuur die bestuurder sy kind om vir ons te kom sê die krag is af. Het toe aanvaar dis buite hul beheer. Gelukkig het ons 2 klein liggies gehad om lig te maak die aand. Hulle het geen generators vir backup krag of niks nie. Bestuurder nooit weer by ons opgedaag die aand om te vra of alles okei is nie. Volgende oggend krag nog steeds af. My man het bestuurder genader en hy sê net hy weet nie wanneer dit reg sal wees nie. Ons het toe vleis in 'n yskas wat nie werk nie, die volgende oggend toe my man hom konfronteer se hy nee jy kan vir ons 'n kragopwekker reël vir die yskas. Dit was slegs ek en my man en hulle plaas ons toe in die Family Cottage wat 8 mense slaap waar al die ander chalets leeg staan. Dit was baie warm en die enorme plek het net glad nie afgekoel nie. Daar is ook geen geriewe om bv. op 'n vuur te kan water kook vir koffie nie. Bestuur ook niks aangebied nie. Ek meen hulle bly permanent daar hulle moet krag in hulle huisie hê op 'n manier want hulle moet ook vars produkte hê wat in 'n yskas gehou moet word (dis baie ver van 'n dorp af). Ons het toe maar besluit om die Saterdagoggend te vertrek en nie ons 2de bespreekte en betaalde nag te bly nie. Ons het in die proses vleis gehad wat toe sleg geraak het as gevolg van die hitte en ons dit nie koud genoeg kon hou nie. Die bestuurder het gesê hy sal kyk of hy ons geld kan terug kry. Ek bargain nie daarop nie.

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Value for money
Limpokwena Nature Reserve

Hi Ria, Thanks for taking the time to share your experience, however we do not feel as though it is a fair version of events. Unfortunately your arrival coincided with a small storm. This lead to an unfortunate power outage stemming from the national power supplier, Eskom. Firstly we decided to upgrade your chalet to the family cottage as a gesture of good-will as it was available and is more spacious - it is also our most popular form of accommodation. The unfortunate heat you experienced in the cottage is not a reflection of the cottage itself, but rather of the general weather in the area. The main bedroom is equipped with large bay windows too and that evening was a much cooler evening as a result of the rain. The cottage is very well ventilated once the windows are left ajar. Upon check-in, we explain to all our guests where our house is, as it is directly opposite the lodge and we are onsite and can assist with any problems. We are always available to our guests, and we feel as though we are very helpful and approachable should our guests have any issues what-so-ever. Later in the evening after we had lost power, we came across to the cottage to explain that we had reported the outage to Eskom immediately and that the power had gone out as a result of a power line in the area that had been damaged. Your husband replied that it was no problem as he was "prepared for it" and gestured towards his flashlight in hand. Our young son was with us, as he also lives on the property and this is marketed as a family friendly lodge. (As competent as we believe he is, we would most definitely not have sent him across to pass a message on alone.) All our rooms are equipped with candles and matches in the event of an outage. This are not usually longer than a few hours. The family cottage is also equipped with a braai facility as well as a campfire kettle for boiling water. The outage lasted longer than it usually does, and was not restored until just after your departure at 7:30am the following morning. As we live on site, we were also affected by the outage (as was most of Alldays and surrounding farms), and our fridge and freezer managed to stay cool enough for our groceries and supplies. We simply kept the doors sealed so as not to lose cool air. We do not have a back-up generator because they are very large, and very expensive and also very noisy. Our lodge is not large enough to justify the use of a back-up generator during infrequent outages. In the morning, once you had decided to vacate early, we offered a small generator to run the fridge and freezer for you, which you declined. We are very reasonable and helpful hosts who always put the needs of our guests first, and we will go out of our way to ensure their experience is a positive one. Unfortunately on this occasion, it was out of our hands. Should we have been made aware of your concerns or inconveniences prior to your abrupt departure we most certainly would have attempted to assist. As a result of this feedback we have put further measures in place for future outages such as a two-plate gas cooker and LED lamps that will be made available in the event of an outage along with our petrol generator to run fridges and freezers for a few hours. Unfortunately the outages are a nationwide occurrence and affect the public in their own homes too.

Hi Ria, Thanks for taking the time to share your experience, however we do not feel as though it is a fair version of events. Unfortunately your arrival coincided with a small storm. This lead to an unfortunate power outage stemming from the national power supplier, Eskom. Firstly we decided to upgrade your chalet to the family cottage as a gesture of good-will as it was available and is more spacious - it is also our most popular form of accommodation. The unfortunate heat you experienced in the cottage is not a reflection of the cottage itself, but rather of the general weather in the area. The main bedroom is equipped with large bay windows too and that evening was a much cooler evening as a result of the rain. The cottage is very well ventilated once the windows are left ajar. Upon check-in, we explain to all our guests where our house is, as it is directly opposite the lodge and we are onsite and can assist with any problems. We are always available to our guests, and we feel as though we are very helpful and approachable should our guests have any issues what-so-ever. Later in the evening after we had lost power, we came across to the cottage to explain that we had reported the outage to Eskom immediately and that the power had gone out as a result of a power line in the area that had been damaged. Your husband replied that it was no problem as he was "prepared for it" and gestured towards his flashlight in hand. Our young son was with us, as he also lives on the property and this is marketed as a family friendly lodge. (As competent as we believe he is, we would most definitely not have sent him across to pass a message on alone.) All our rooms are equipped with candles and matches in the event of an outage. This are not usually longer than a few hours. The family cottage is also equipped with a braai facility as well as a campfire kettle for boiling water. The outage lasted longer than it usually does, and was not restored until just after your departure at 7:30am the following morning. As we live on site, we were also affected by the outage (as was most of Alldays and surrounding farms), and our fridge and freezer managed to stay cool enough for our groceries and supplies. We simply kept the doors sealed so as not to lose cool air. We do not have a back-up generator because they are very large, and very expensive and also very noisy. Our lodge is not large enough to justify the use of a back-up generator during infrequent outages. In the morning, once you had decided to vacate early, we offered a small generator to run the fridge and freezer for you, which you declined. We are very reasonable and helpful hosts who always put the needs of our guests first, and we will go out of our way to ensure their experience is a positive one. Unfortunately on this occasion, it was out of our hands. Should we have been made aware of your concerns or inconveniences prior to your abrupt departure we most certainly would have attempted to assist. As a result of this feedback we have put further measures in place for future outages such as a two-plate gas cooker and LED lamps that will be made available in the event of an outage along with our petrol generator to run fridges and freezers for a few hours. Unfortunately the outages are a nationwide occurrence and affect the public in their own homes too.

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Christiaan Pieter V
Short stay Family with young children
Jul 2018

Our family, 10 adults and 4 children, spent an excellent few days there. Our family spent 5 days there. We had the whole place to ourselves! Two game drives per day in beautiful surroundings. There is a well-equipped kitchen. Collect all food items. The kitchen and dining room are shared and you will have to plan carefully if you are not going as a group. It's an ideal place to just rest and appreciate the Bosveld. Rilee and the staff make it pleasant for people. The pool and gardens are very well maintained. I really recommend the place, especially for a family or group of friends.

Ons familie, 10 grootmense en 4 kinders, het 'n uitstekende paar dae daar deurgebring. Ons familie het 5 dae daar deurgebring. Ons het die hele plek vir onsself gehad! Twee wildritte per dag in 'n pragtige omgewing. Daar is 'n goed toegeruste kombuis. Vat alle eetgoed saam. Die kombuis en eetvertrek word gedeel en mens sal mooi moet beplan as jy nie as 'n groep gaan nie. Dis 'n ideale plek om net te gaan rus en die Bosveld te waardeer. Rilee en die personeel maak dit aangenaam vir mens. Die swembad en tuine is baie goed versorg. Ek beveel regtig die plek aan, veral vir 'n familie of vriendegroep.

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Value for money

Alan P
Short stay With partner
Apr 2018

This is worth the 35 km of gravel. Well stocked and a very special part of South Africa. A must go back. This is a hidden gem! If you love the bush and a sense of faraway from the maddening crowd then you don't get better. Beautiful setting of the cottages on a very large reserve bounded by two major rivers with rocky hills giving magnificent views. well managed by a very knowledgeable couple.

Value for money

Mariska B
Short stay Family with young children
Dec 2017

It was worth it for sure. Staff very friendly.

Dit was vir seker die moeite werd. Personeel baie vriendelik.

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Value for money

Chris V
1 night stay With partner
Jul 2017

Quiet and peaceful in nature. Riley and Siyanne were great hosts and we really enjoyed the overnighter. Will come back for a longer stay with my wife in the car this time.

Value for money

Marthinus S
1 night stay Family with young children
Jan 2017

Good place. Beautiful place with helpful staff. Game drive lovely. Will be back.

Baie lekker plek. Baie mooi plek gewees met hulpvaardige bestuur. Gamedrive was ook lekker gewees. Sal beslis weer en langer gaan.

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Value for money

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Nadine Verified

Properties 1

Reviews 7

On LekkeSlaap 8 years

From R 1 950
per night, for 2 ppl
R 1 950
per night, for 2 ppl
Make a Booking
  • Capacity: 32 people
  • All ages welcome
  • Check-in: 14:00 to 18:00
    Check-out: 10:00
  • Address: Limpokwena Nature Reserve, Alldays, 0909, Limpopo
https://travelground.imgix.net/AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1fedf0b0add897787be9a5fd0e993473f36db9a611f1911ae7a4c49ec9ebd9f5f5e9fd40ba9c6a715ee19d6067923851f392?w=1440&h=960&fit=crop&auto=enhance,format,compress&q=80 From R1 950 per night, for 2 ppl 7 5 1 4 Limpokwena Nature Reserve Alldays 0909 Limpopo 021 201 8901 14:00-18:00 10:00 -22.471388888889 28.918611111111

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