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Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Sandton bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.4 uit 5 gekry volgens 41 resensies.


Lydall Wild Tranquil Garden Suites

"Daar is klomp verskillende dinge om te doen, ons was by die Walter Sisulu Botaniese Tuine gewees en dit was fantasties. Skoon, netjies en 'n goeie prys. Daar is ook verskillende plekkies naby wat jou sal vermaak. "


No 5 on Franschoek

"Besigheid, nie 'n toeriste-bestemming nie."

Bryanston, Sandton

The Wesley Boutique Hotel & Spa

"Goeie area naby gerieflike winkelsentrums."

Lonehill, Sandton

De Lone Hill Guesthouse

"Baie veilig gevoel daar."

Paulshof, Sandton

The Pepper Tree B&B

"Dit is sentraal van al die inkopiesentrums."


Houtkapper Gastekamers

"Quite nice and good."


Houtkapper Gastekamers

"Inkopies was heerlik, maar heeltemal te besig na my sin. Verkies die rustigheid."


Sandton Slippers B&B

"The best place to stay in and very convenient."


8 Ibis Lane Guest House

"Bietjie te groot vir plattelanders."


Hluhluwe - Apartments

"Professional, safe, number 1."


Tiree B&B

"Dis die hub en so baie om te sien! "

Paulshof, Sandton

The Pepper Tree B&B

"Dit is so sentraal tussen Randburg en Sandton met Monte Casino net in die straat af."


Red Rose Bed and Breakfast

"Lekker eetplekke en baie inkopiesentrums."

Paulshof, Sandton

The Pepper Tree B&B

"Convenient situation for event locations."

Gallo Manor, Sandton

Tudor Lodge and Tours

"Very centrally located, safe and friendly people."


Tiree B&B

"Het heerlik geëet by die Throbbing Strawberry!"


The Sandton Farmhouse

"Vir my persoonlik is enige stad groter as Kimberley te bedrywig."

Paulshof, Sandton

The Pepper Tree B&B

"If you need a quiet, friendly getaway, it is an ideal place to go."

Bryanston, Sandton

Lydall Wild Tranquil Garden Suites

"Baie netjiese omgewing en rustig vir stadslewe."

Sandown, Sandton

Sandown Guesthouse

"Sandown guesthouse is a great place to stay in the upmarket suburb of Sandton. The service is great and the house is upmarket. The hosts are fantastic and are very quick to respond to your needs."


Sunninghill Guest Lodge

"What an incredible city. "


Festina Lente

"Die Mall kan gerus inligtingsborde opsit - watter winkels daar is en waar. "

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