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Salt Rock

Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Salt Rock bespreek het

Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.6 uit 5 gekry volgens 75 resensies.

Salt Rock

Coral Dreams & Sea-side Spa

"A lovely seaside destination with great restaurants everywhere."

Salt Rock

Petite Provence B&B

"Always nice to visit."

Salt Rock

Sea-renity Holiday Apartment

"Hou baie van al die doggie friendly-verblyf en selfs restaurante. Alles wat mens nodig het is vinnig en maklik bekombaar en bereikbaar."

Salt Rock

Driftwood Coastal Cottage

"Ons het verskriklik gesukkel met Uber in die omgewing. Definitief nie 'n vervoerstelsel om op staat te maak nie. Ons besef wel dat Covid talle mense se lewens raak en ook hul werk beïnvloed."

Salt Rock

Sea-renity Holiday Apartment

"Salt Rock sien ons gou weer! So 'n lekker bestemming."

Salt Rock

The Villa Salt Rock

"Heerlike blou strand, naby winkelsentrum vir inkopies."

Salt Rock

6 Gleneagles

"We enjoyed the granny pools!"

Salt Rock

Driftwood Coastal Cottage

"Dis 'n heerlike vakansie atmosfeer met soveel lekker plekkies en markte en goedjies in die omgewing. Lekker wegbreeknaweek gewees."

Salt Rock

Driftwood Coastal Cottage

"The best beach with still a cosy village feel!"

Salt Rock

27 Robbins Road

"Quiet place to relax with family and friends."

Salt Rock

Fairview Guest House

"Great area for a holiday destination."

Salt Rock

27 Robbins Road

"A great location."

Salt Rock

Fairview Guest House

"Salt Rock is excellent. It has easy access to a shopping centre which will provide you whatever you need, including some excellent restaurants like Yami (featuring an excellent one man band) and Mikes Kitchen. Siggi's is also not far away, a local favourite. Unlike Umhlanga and Ballito, Salt Rock is not over built and it has retained most of its natural vegetation. The beaches are also largely unspoilt."

Salt Rock

Fairview Guest House

"Pragtige strande, pragtige ligging en omgewing - werklik 'n heerlike plek om vakansie te gaan hou."

Salt Rock

Coral Dreams & Sea-side Spa

"Sal vir seker weer besoek."

Salt Rock

Salt Break Apartment

"Keep up the fabulous service."

Salt Rock

27 Robbins Road

"Everything was just perfect. It felt like home, I had the best time with my loved ones. "

Salt Rock

Coral Dreams & Sea-side Spa

"Skoon en netjies, als was maklik bereikbaar gewees."

Salt Rock

6 Garland Road

"Beautiful place. Quite a few outdoor entertainment. Beach is awesome. "

Salt Rock

By The Beach

"A very beautiful place where one can relax. The best holiday destination away from the busyness."

Salt Rock

By The Beach

"Beautiful seaside suburb with security and appealing Shopping Centre's in the vicinity."

Salt Rock

Coral Dreams & Sea-side Spa

"Fantastiese mooi plek en strande is baie netjies en skoon."

Salt Rock

Phumula Beach Cottage

"Beslis die moeite werd."

Salt Rock

Fairview Guest House

"Lovely swimming beach in a relaxed holiday town with just the right mix of nature and comfort! "

Salt Rock

Coral Dreams & Sea-side Spa

"Naby aan alles wat jy nodig het!"

Blad 2 - Wys 31 tot 60

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