Geverifieerde Resensie
Margate Beach
Al die resensies is deur LekkeSlaap-gaste geskryf wat in Margate Beach bespreek het
Hierdie plek het 'n gemiddeld van 4.3 uit 5 gekry volgens 52 resensies.
"As jy 'n warm klimaat soek is Margate die plek vir jou. Het vergeet hoe warm dit kan raak. Vir seker swembroek en plakkies weer."
"Die strand is awesome, lekker groot branders en sagte seesand. Daar is 'n Wimpy by die strand. November is 'n slegte maand - reënseisoen. Die werkers is onregverdig, die swembad mag nie gebruik word nie, daar is glo nie Chloor nie, maar as daar klomp taxi's stop, sluit hul die swembad oop en dan is dit ook onplesierig op die strand. Bly ons gunsteling strand."
"There was also an extremely loud sound that started early in the morning. Sounded like a massive machine or air conditioner going. Was really off putting when having a peaceful ocean holiday. "
"Die taxi's maak 'n klomp lawaai oor die naweke in die parkeerareas en voor die woonstelle en daar word sommer openlik op die strande alkohol gebruik."
"Margate is just beautiful place to visit the weather was great the beach was awesome."
"Margate Beach seems to have been neglected with respect to maintenance and safety but it seems like the local municipality and law enforcement is making an effort to correct this issue. Cleaning staff were visible every evening and law enforcement vehicles were very vigilant throughout the day and night."
"It's clean, no thieves and fresh breeze in the morning.It's safe and it's a place to be with or without family."
"I found the beach and surrounding area quite dirty and lots of broken glass lying around. The swimming area is very small and swimmers are very limited. I am not sure if there are any currents that we are not aware of. The umbrella and chair hiring facility is great and the shop on the beach is great."
"Margate se hoofstrand was besonders skoon. Was jare laas daar as kind en van toe tot nou: die strand is skoon, jy kan met gemak daar stap sonder om bang te wees om jouself te sny. Kinders kan in die sand speel en sandkastele bou sonder om vullis/rommel tussen die sand uit te haal. Sal enige tyd weer daarheen gaan."
"Easy access to beach, restaurants and ambience has a good vibe. Best holiday destination."